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Home +OK News +OK Meet The World’s Most Identical Triplets Who Eat The Same Food Have The Same Weight & Live The Same Lives
Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019

Meet The World’s Most Identical Triplets Who Eat The Same Food Have The Same Weight & Live The Same Lives

Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019 These are the world’s most identical triplets who live exactly the same lifestyles – and work as stunning models Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, live with each other in Dublin, Ireland and mirror every aspect of each other’s lives, from diet and beauty to exercise . As a result, the trio boast a waist size of 28inches, a 34A bra size and

weigh bang in on 8.5stone for their matching 5ft 11in frames. Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019 Laura, who is in a long-term relationship, explains:

“We live identical lives so we look the same and we love it! We use exactly the same products and get all our beauty treatments together – whether that’s spray tanning, nails, make-up or our haircuts. “We all book ourselves in for an appointment with our hairdresser Kathy at the same time so our locks look identical. “Whether we are getting our highlights done, a blow dry or just a trim, Kathy will book us one after the other so there’s no difference in our styles.”

Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019

Allison, who is single, adds: “It’s important for our job as triplet models that we look exactly alike so we eat the same diet and exercise together too. “We go for a run together in the morning then having porridge for breakfast. For lunch, we go to the same caf together and order a salad. Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019 “Then for dinner, it’s grilled chicken with a baked potato. We have even have the same food on cheat days which is usually a Dominos pizza!” Even when the threesome are apart, they remain in constant contact and mirror each others lives to minute detail. Nicola, who is single, explains: “We’re so close. We have a ‘Sisters Whatsapp’ so we are always in constant contact with each other all the time and buy the same things. Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019 From an early age, the Crimmins triplets were inseparable and their pretty looks won them the attention of a modeling scout who signed them up at age 16. They have appeared on television as well as modeled for international brands and National Lottery campaigns. Laura says: “We’ve been approached by modeling scouts in shopping malls since we were about ten years old. But we waited until we were sixteen years old when we were signed by an modeling agency. After that the work rolled in, we’ve done television shows, press calls, fashion shows. We even got to skip school for modeling shoots – it was great!” Identical triplets Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, from Dublin, Ireland who mirror each other's lifestyle to ensure their gorgeous figures stay exactly the same. The girl are all models, they have exactly the same beauty treatments and eat the same diet. .. SEE COPY … PIC BY NEWS DOG MEDIA … +44 (0)121 517 0019 The Crimmins triplets regularly feature on world’s sexiest sisters list and have thousands of fans. Nicola says: “I love working with my sisters – I feel so grateful that we get to be together. We do get approached a lot when we’re out together in public – people do a double take when they realize there’s three of us!”




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  1. Ijeoma Okweribe Tacy

    editing u pple should stp liein joor

  2. Who knows the truth, maybe one person.

  3. And have one boyfriend or one husband

  4. Hope dey dnt die on d same day

  5. So ar they goin to take d same too

  6. Magdalene Nambule

    But do they brows different

  7. Praise God! Can they merry me

  8. Ibrahim-dada Disu

    Who determines being the most identical? Nonsense. This is how we help to promote white supremacy.

  9. And so let them go toilet together who cares bulshit…

  10. Nwankwo Uchenna Smartluv

    Do they date the same man???

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  12. Is one person, not three.

  13. Nene Carboo Florio

    I’ll marry all of them

  14. Movingman Biafra Emmanuel

    Are they Roberts?

  15. Adetoun Esther Funmilayo

    This is wonderful

  16. They should “merry you”. I laugh enter the loo U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602

  17. Do they date same man

  18. Motshidisi Selofera Mooketsi

    where are they from which country

  19. Precious MaPresh

    they are almost look the same bt they are not look at them closely check the one in the middle and the one on the left hand side

  20. Owivri Joan Mitaire

    Live the same life? Umm! #thinking#

  21. Nosipho Chido Ketsekile

    Hence they said world’s “MOST”

  22. Hardesinah Habdulwaheed Holuwasegun

    And also frolicked wt same dude. Yeye natu

  23. Ikejiofor Mark Nonso

    Can i check if there thing are the same size?

  24. God’s handwork I like twins

  25. They also share the same man?

  26. Most does not mean ‘not so identical’….if they had said ‘almost’ then that would explain itU0001f610

  27. In an accident, will they also die together?

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