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“I’m Fed Up! Why Do Only Broke Men Approach Me For Marriage? Please Help”


Please i need ur help. Am having challenges in area of relationship. I have the problem of ending up with men who are nothing but gold diggers. They seem good from the start but before a few months, they will turn into pests.

I dont know what is responsible for this. I just need a man who ll love me on the basis of who i am not what i have. I am from a well to do family, I am the only daughter of my parents and my dad is late, I actually inherited quite a lot and initially it seemed like a blessing until I got older.

All the Guys i ve met so far re fake displaying fake love just to get hold of what is in my possession. I will give you a little insight so you can understand what I am going tru. Around 2013, my then fiance kidnapped himself and because i already knew he was too needy and then their was a lot of inconsistencies in the story so i ignored the kidnappers who were demanding for 700k ransom. The guys showed up 2 weeks later fuming without any injuries or even shedding any weight

He was ranting and saying all sorts like how wicked i was and how i abandoned him to die. I had to break it off immediately because he was beginning to sound like i was his mother and father joined together. The next relationship went quite the same way.

The guy sold my car and came up with stories of how he was robbed at onipanu by palm-grove. unfortunately for him, i had a tracker which had its own inbuilt battery, so when they disconnected the car battery thinking they have disabled the tracker, they gaffed. the car was subsequently tracked down to shagamu at a hotel managed by his cousin. these are just the few recent ones.

There are many more experiences that i wouldn’t bother you with but I am tired. the worst is that some will even want to move in with me because of the comfort of my place. Its really frustrating. My mum said i should stop driving but its nearly impossible for me to get around lagos without a car.

I simply stopped using the big cars and got a Toyota matrix and i even had to drive myself so it dosnt look like i am the one attracting the wrong men and scaring away the good ones yet i haven’t been lucky.

I am not looking for a millionaire, I just want a man with a little dignity and value not the ones who will start demanding for loans or come up with stories within months of how their visa was stuck or how their mother was diabetic and needed money for blood transfusion. I have heard a lot of such stories and i am tired.

I dont know if my mum is right that i am scaring away the right ones with my lifestyle. Honestly, i dont even live flamboyantly neither do I club. I am in my early 30’s and i really need to settle down.

Plz help me with ideas on how to stop attracting gold digging shameless men. As at now, 4 guys re on my neck including head of admin in my firm but they are all my subordinates and I don’t want a scandal. Thank u.

Please advice. I don’t need abuse from you guys… Thanks




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  1. Innocent Silas Boyi

    Probably,they are your destiny changer and when you continue like that you will end up being single and if you think money is what determine a happy home. Why are u not rich?

  2. Bibi Emmanuela

    Cuz y r a broke girl too so sit up, pray hard n work hard

  3. You don’t need help! Marry the bloke, everything will fall into place slowly!

  4. if you’re fed up then fed out. ..simple. .

  5. is not her fault oooo,I even heard a disable lady wit one hand,telling her colleague that she can’t suffer in her husband house..so a lady that’s complete will go 4 a bigger guy..poverty is a disease which a doctor can not cure,most guys are too lazy to work this days,they waitin 4manners to fall fr d sky..my dear u right,which guy here will allow he’s sister to go n marry a poor man n b suffering in d mans house,plz let’s call a spade a spade

  6. Take it into prayers God shall make it

  7. I will never marry a Nigeria girl , fed up with their mentality for money
    I will rather marry someone who love me for me and grow old together forever

  8. Rosana Philda tell this men

  9. I am tired of men nowadays they want women to play their role

  10. The Bible said a should provide for his Family. Women should be submissive to their husbands not the other way round

  11. Ndubuisi Ndubuisi

    Bcos ur a broke woman DAT is y

  12. Ndubuisi Ndubuisi

    Bcos ur a broke woman DAT is y

  13. Well I understand your fears. If I were in your shoes I would go far away to a place where I am not known for my wealth or riches. Rent a small Appartement and live like an average lady. Any guy that claims to love you then is worth giving a chance to proof himself. Your mum might be right after all…. your lifestyle could be scaring the good guys away…the more reason you should go somewhere you are not known to disguise as a young lady struggling to survive until you have a ring on your finger. Make haste while you still can….when you are 40 it might be even more difficult to find a good guy who wants to stay with you. I pray God grants you the wisdom and strength to do what is right. Stay blessed.

  14. Well I understand your fears. If I were in your shoes I would go far away to a place where I am not known for my wealth or riches. Rent a small Appartement and live like an average lady. Any guy that claims to love you then is worth giving a chance to proof himself. Your mum might be right after all…. your lifestyle could be scaring the good guys away…the more reason you should go somewhere you are not known to disguise as a young lady struggling to survive until you have a ring on your finger. Make haste while you still can….when you are 40 it might be even more difficult to find a good guy who wants to stay with you. I pray God grants you the wisdom and strength to do what is right. Stay blessed.

  15. I feel most comments on this post are not making any sense….guys make una try read the post well and advice her properly. It’s not her fault she is rich…and mind you she said she is not looking for a super wealthy man but someone that will love her for who she is as a person not for her money…to me that doesn’t sound like she doesn’t want to get married to a broke guyoo

  16. I feel most comments on this post are not making any sense….guys make una try read the post well and advice her properly. It’s not her fault she is rich…and mind you she said she is not looking for a super wealthy man but someone that will love her for who she is as a person not for her money…to me that doesn’t sound like she doesn’t want to get married to a broke guyoo

  17. Haha Confused the Word of God and u will see a change.Have faith and remain positive

  18. Haha Confused the Word of God and u will see a change.Have faith and remain positive

  19. I love the truth that is said here

  20. I love the truth that is said here

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  22. Muiruri Wa Wanjiru

    Urself look broke

  23. Anachebe Chukwuma

    Nkeh Odile now u are quoting the bible bah!!! Ok ‘ where does the bible say a woman shouldn’t accept a man’s proposal for marriage if he is not financially stable? Or are u telling me that ” true love,happiness and peace is all about wealth ?


  25. I feel so sorri for her cos she hadn’t realise dat ladies of dis new era work deir money rather dan dependin on man.cos the fact still remains dat no man will wona ve such a woman who cnt tak care of herself

  26. If u r fade up.go back to ur parents house n narrate d story of ur life to dem n see if de wnt talk sense into ur brain.ur type. R d kind dat destroy family.what makes u tink u cn make a gud wife?u just wona wake one morning n discover u r swimmin in an ocean of money.sorry it doent work dat way.go look for ur own money and sto decivin urself waitin for a rich man to get married to

  27. Frankjo Uganda

    Kakati marry yoself olaba nawe zikulemye okola

  28. U go and married Obama now u no get head mumu

  29. Adedayo Sunday

    And her breasts re saggy already

  30. Adedayo Sunday

    Nkeh Odile are you not d ones seeking gender equality?

  31. Hassan Oluyomi Abiodun

    Y u no marry herbalist or boxer even barber self all way na way

  32. Samuel Ogunkalu

    you’re not ready to build, but you are looking for already made. I sorry for you

  33. Geocklyn Ajuora

    It’s a simple answer… It’s because you’re dame broke…what you give is what you get period..

  34. El'haji Iweha Kene

    If thats you on this pix…l advice you should go for rich ANIMALS…maybe like “Ewu”.

  35. Anthony Acquah

    Please pray about it because every thing has got a root but with jesus christ every thing is possible

  36. Adedayo Sunday we have to seek Gender equality because the men forgot their role….look at today how many men abandon their children..and the women have to work hard to educate them and feed them…only for the fool to show up when the kid is big to claim his so called right as the dad…..

  37. Abdulkadir Abdullahi Gusau

    Because u re addicted to poverty

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