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See How Rihanna Dressed To Go To A Restaurant In Rio, Brazil


After headlining Brazil’s “Rock in Rio” music festival, Rihanna stepped out in Rio de Janeiro looking like money. 

Wearing a LaQuan Smith “money green” dress worth $2,500, the singer wore white sneakers, diamond jewelry and a bright red lip. Underneath her embroidered, mesh dress, Rihanna kept things simple with a black bra and underwear.

“Rihanna added a sporty element to such a sexy, elegant dress. I liked the relaxed and edgy approach she took,” said LaQuan Smith, the designer, in a press release. “After all, she is in Brazil … which is quite appropriate.” 

Rihanna is no stranger to see-through style, as the singer once wore a custom Adam Selman gown made of more than 200,000 Swarovski crystals to the 2014 CFDA Fashion Awards.

Rihanna is known for reinventing her styles and image. Her works has earned her numerous awards and accolades including eight Grammy Awards, eight American Music Awards, 23 Billboard Music Awards and two BRIT Awards.




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  1. Am in love with her

  2. Stupidity I hate you. You are anti christ.

    Jesus’s mother Maryam (Mary) wear decently
    by covering her body wearing veil(hijab)
    New International Version
    Timothy 2:9 I also want the women to dress
    modestly, with
    decency and propriety, adorning themselves,
    not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls
    or expensive clothes,
    New King James Version
    (NKJV) Genesis 24:64-65
    64 Then Rebekah lifted her eyes, and when she
    saw Isaac she dismounted from her camel;
    65 for she had said to the servant, “Who is this
    man walking in the field to meet us?” The servant said, “It is my master.” So she took a veil and covered herself.
    New International Version
    Corinthias11:6. But every woman who prays or
    prophesies with
    her head uncovered dishonors her head–it is
    the same as having her head shaved.
    Muslim Women do the same as taught in
    Quran 33:59

  3. Nothing wrong at all

  4. Its crazy everyone tells everyone what to do. Just mind your own business. She is enjoying her life. The rest is all envy.

  5. am sorry four u

  6. we re all sinners so we shouldnt judge,all we have to do iz to pray for change in thier life

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