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Home +OK News +OK Actor Emeka Ike Accuses Pastor Chris Okotie Of Being The Devil Behind Plot To Destroy His Marriage

Actor Emeka Ike Accuses Pastor Chris Okotie Of Being The Devil Behind Plot To Destroy His Marriage


Nollywood actor, Emeka Ike, has accused the founder and head pastor of Household of God Church, Pastor Chris Okotie, of being behind

the plot to destroy his marriage at all cost.

Emeka Ike, in a statement, said he was crying out because of the “desperate desperation” of Okotie to destroy his home.
nollywood emeka ike children
The feud between the actor and his wife, Suzanne, had degenerated almost beyond resolution, with the wife filing a divorce suit before a Customary Court in Lagos.
Emeka Ike said he was compelled to alert the whole world of the “devil” behind the plot to destroy his home, after all efforts to beg his wife to drop the divorce bid failed.
nollywood Emeka-Ike-and-wife
The actor accused Okotie of hiring a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) for his wife just for the purpose of destroying his home.
He alleged that Okotie gave his wife about N500, 000 for her mother’s burial and also bought her a blackberry passport phone.
Emeke Ike further said every Sunday, Okotie would call his wife out in church with other single women and ask that gifts should be given to them.
He further alleged that Okotie with another man in the church helped his wife to secure a job without his consent.
The man in question, Emeka Ike alleged, recently had issues in his marriage over a love message which Suzanne sent to him.
According to the statement, Emeka Ike said:
“I want people to look into this issue critically. I’ve never beaten this woman in my life. When she ran out of home, I called my pastor and they took us for counselling. For one week, I was begging her every day; I would go home alone and she would go home alone as well.
“At a point, pastor asked us to write five things we like and dislike about each other. The pastor said that maybe we could work it out. I wrote mine, she wrote hers and she never said there that I used to beat her. I still have that document with me. She gave me what she wrote and I gave her what I wrote. If I used to beat her, she could not have left it out from that then. Any man that beats a woman is a coward. I know that someone somewhere must have done something to her. How can I beat a woman I adore so much? I love my family and this is very unfortunate. Her children have been begging her to come home, and she has refused.
“I am pretty sure my wife is acting confused; she is acting as if she is under a spell, which is psychological and then she is acting under blackmail.
“There was a time I accused her of bringing men to my house. I mean, which woman will wake her husband up in the middle of the night and said to him, share your property I want to get my share now from what you have? Tell me, which woman will do that if not acting under a spell?
“There was a time I travelled and she closed down my school and sent all the students away. So, there is a lot to it, other than the allegation of battery against me and I want the whole world to know. My name is precious to me and I don’t want anything to drag it in the mud.
“Pastor Chris Okotie just absolved my wife into his church without making any effort to get in touch with me. If as a pastor, your church member is having issue with her husband, and you failed to do anything to resolve it, what kind of pastor are you? When I called him, he refused to pick my call. He also failed to react to a text message I sent to him. Is that a man of God? Even, if you have a police case, they will make effort to hear from you before taking a position, not to talk of the church.
“When we went to court, I told my wife that I’m interested in amicable settlement of the matter, and that I still want her back. But she refused. Even, if you don’t want me, what of your children, I asked her and she still would not listen to me. I want the whole world to know because there is a lot of misinformation out there. The lawyer which Okotie hired for my wife is also frustrating every attempt I make to resolve the matter peacefully,” he narrated.




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  1. Let her for now when she realized that what she is about to do is so much bad absolutely she will come back to you

  2. She’s been blind folded with something serious. She would not listen toany of your words Emeka. Let her be for now, by the time she realizes what she has done, she ‘ll come back to her senses, I pray it ‘ll not be too late for her.

  3. Leave The Bitch!!! Women Are Always Full Of Surprises,. Even If She’s Been With you for A Hundred Years!

  4. Woman if this is true, please let me beg on the behalf of your husband. Please go back home, especially for the sake of the children. So that they won’t be affected psychologically by this!

  5. Ankwa Djan Andrews

    Bro u hold on unto thy God u serve he maketh thy impossible to be possible ok

  6. Hmmmmm, she accuses u of battery n u ar accusing her of unfaithfulness. Its only God n d both of dat ones Wat d problem is. Invite God n sort it out amicably cos no matter who is ryt, urs names ar already heading 2 d mud. So stop it now b4 its too late. Gudluk

  7. Family is the most beautiful thng u cnt run away, plz my frnd go home ur husband & the kids needs u

  8. Pls wife return back to ur house ur kids and ur husband need u most.

  9. Leave d woman Emeka she will regret what she did in future yrs

  10. I think your so called wife had a lot to do with that fake pastor of the darkness, coz a real man of God will not fold his hands while the church members are fighting.
    The bible says a good shepherd will leave 100 sheep’s and follow the one which lost. And also Jesus to woman at stream he told her to build a good family not jumping from one man to another, but this pastor he is in love with your wife and that’s why he is not reachable neither available for your texts.
    My advice to you my friend is change from that evil church and find other real pastor to pray you but you also need to pray for her coz if is real that she asked about her share before you die be careful she is just a killer in your life, coz no married wife can do that without under spell.
    I remember Job’s wife in the bible was the one to tell her husband to do against God to die, and the wife was evil.
    I like seeing you acting I don’t like death so don’t allow yourself ti die before your time.

  11. Our lord Jesus christ is a problem solver take evrytin up to him in prayer nd he wil see u tru

  12. Omi. Broda pls take home serious make it parsonal property cause it your’s.men. Of god. Are not trusted.bewaer next. Time

  13. Emeke, I have always admired you from time immemorial n it hurts my feelings that you are actually passing through dis dark period maritally. It is so painful especially when u love your wife like it seems you do but d problem is that you have obviously lost it out with her for mow. She has found comfort in the arms of another man n it will be difficult to get her back now. In a case like this, both the man n the woman are contributory to the menace that is plaguing the marriage. Am sure u have your own misgivings as well as you wife. Let her be for now. Play it down n pray it up, in due course, she wud come back to nolmacy, otherwise, life must go on. Make out time n see if u can have a personal discussion with her, remind her of d good old days u shared together, reassure her of ur love n maybe, just maybe, she may change her mind. Goodluck.

  14. Pls look for a real man of God to pray for you and your family. Is there anything too hard for God? NO. If truely you are saying the truth don’t worry God will fight for you.

    • It is so sad to hear this side of your story bros Emeka,because I have also listen to your wife side story,a pastor that also divorse his wife to give u an advise? it doesn’t work that way,my question is first u have to look @ the life your pastor have lived in the past,bros u have to be wise.not all pastor u can go 4 counselling.

  15. Emeka, u are good man not jst a man, husband and a good father as well. Take this problem to God and he will surely intervene and resolve it for you but ur wife refuses then let her be cos definitely she will regret her actions and by the time she would want to come back to you it would have bin too late. U are a strong man I believe and ur name will never be drag to d mud instead God in his infinite mercy will lift you higher than wot ur wife and pastor expected

  16. God have had u I pray from now to 1 month time every hand in this matter negatively will be destroy and the spell will be out in Jesus name amen

  17. Listen you must also check yaself ! women don’t just loose interest in a commitment like marriage with kids for nothing. The lady is fed up with the pettiness you guys mostly don’t regard, her worth to you,respect,love, sense of commitment and her needs. Men when you marry a woman and have two or more kids with her, you just don’t regard her the way you used to. Just like men, women also need attention, please!!

    • Is that a good enough reason for a woman to misbehave? Am also a woman but I disagree with you! The vow was for better for worst…

      • Two wrongs can never make a right. No matter who is loosing it, the Bible enjoined the men to love their wives with no condition attached. Also, the wife to submit to the husband with no condition. Don’t look for a reason to love or submit. Every body has spoken well but the first thing is, was Jesus in their lives and home? Everybody go to church for different reasons. Going to church does not mean you have Jesus. I will advise that both of you should first make peace with the Prince of Peace. As the head of your home, it is what you allow that would happen. This is not acting movie or reality show. It is spiritual and spiritual battles are never fought with physical weapons; they are fought on the knees with fasting and prayers. Fighting Chris Okotie and the likes is not the solution.
        Who is a real man of God? The Bible says, as many that believes, He gave them power to become the children of God. And as God’s children, we have His DNA and we can speak into existence what we want and reverse what we do not want in our lives. Emeka, do you have the DNA of God? Go to God for help. It is well with you IJN. Amen.

  18. I hope she realise her mistake before it is too late.The man has come out to beg you please for the sake of your kids go back to your home.Home sweet home.Please.

  19. Women re lyk dat, as fo dat guy God never called him to led his people

  20. The problem we (church folks) have is that we the Pastor most know what is going on in my home. We have allowed so many things to occupy our prayer life and so we depend on the Pastor for everything. Pastors are men and women of like passion. They can fall. The less we start setting our differences as husband and wife, the less chances pastors would have to know what is going on in our homes.
    We fall victim of pastors with questionable character because we opened our doors to them . There is a adage in the Yoruba language that says, if the walls does not have cracks, wall gecko would not find its way into the house. Mend the cracks in your wall and drive away all the spiritual wall geckos that has entered your house. The Lord will help you IJN. Amen.

  21. church well! …………..this is not how thee LORD JESUS CHRIST laid the foundation . Be more prayerful forget about the past so that chance of forgiveness can be created, what as happen as happen is an error , marriage is an institute where lot of challenges take place. seek real born again believer who can join you up in prayer. i might not be in position to make choice where , who to met but the spirit of GOD will lead you. more wisdom is needed you know why ? This is your home not people or our Home . apply wisdom and seek the face of God. Dont let Men of God sins rob you.to avoid the devil take advantage in robbing your blessing.

  22. Mr emeka ur wife has been brain washed by someone.over look her for now so that u won’t break down .besides I beg u to change that ur church

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