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Muslim Gunman who held hostages at Australian cafe killed Also 2 Hostages Confirmed Dead!


The gunman who held hostage at least a dozen people for up to 17 hours, is one of two reportedly killed in a dramatic shoot-out at a Sydney cafe

during the early hours of Tuesday which abruptly ended the seige. 2  hostages where allegedly killed too..

Dailymail reports that, Police fired automatic weapons and lobbed stun grenades before storming the Lindt cafe in Martin Place in the heart of the city’s central business district.

Live television coverage showed at least two people being taken away from the scene on stretchers. One hostage was seen being carried out of the building. She appeared to be in pain, and blood flowed down her legs.
The gunfight lasted less than two minutes, and more hostages appeared to emerge after the police raid.

As the scene calmed down, a bomb disposal robot was seen entering the cafe.

The dramatic end to the siege came as the gunman holding the remaining captives was revealed as a self-proclaimed Islamic cleric Man Haron Monis.Iranian refugee, 49, was charged with accessory in the murder of his ex-wife
He was also facing multiple charges of sexual assault while claiming to be a ‘spiritual healer’

The drama began unfolding around 9,30 am, when a gunman entered the cafe, located in one of busiest plazas in Sydney’s central business district, and pulled a shotgun from a blue carry bag and disabled the doors to the business.

Soon afterwards, hostages were seen with their hands pressed against the windows holding up the Islamic Shahada flag. It is an emblem of extremist group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is fighting the Assad government in Syria. The man was described as wearing a headband with Arabic writing on it.

Just In: 2 hostages Confirmed Dead




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