Best statues in the world

De Vaartkapoen

De Vaartkapoen
Location: Brussels , Belgium

Low down, a young rebel, the Vaartkapoen, reminiscent of a jack-in-the- box, topples over a policeman higher up, thus overthrowing his authority.

Body Parts in the Water?

Body Parts in the Water?
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

This work of art is located in Stockholm, Sweden and currently only consists of two body parts. The index finger on the hand points to the Jupiter Hotel.

La Trobe

La Trobe
Location: Melbourne

A contemporary representation of Charles La Trobe in central Melbourne (This temporary installation was removed at the end of June 2006 and has been acquired by La Trobe University).

The Shark

The Shark
Location:2 New High Street, Headington, Oxford

The Shark became the most famous resident of Headington when it landed in the roof of 2 New High Street (see map) on 9 August 1986.This ordinary home (built as a semi-detached house in about 1860 but now attached by a link to a second house to the north) suddenly became the centre of world attention, and the headless shark still excites interest today.

The Magic Tap

The Magic Tap
Location: Aqualand, Cadiz.

Magic tap, which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water. In actuality, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water.

Madame Chapeau

Madame Chapeau
Location: Brussels , Belgium

Designed to create a dynamics between two streets, this sculpture beams with its presence in the space that was allocated to the artist.The lady is fearlessly counting her money in an area of Brussels that is famous for its pickpockets. She even teases them with her unsnatchable bronze wallet!

Santa Fe

Santa Fe
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico

The Hanging Rhino

The Hanging Rhino
Location: Potsdam

Stefano Bombardieri’s statue of a hanging rhinoceros has been in Potsdam, Germany since 2001. The rhino is morosely suspended over a sidewalk and seems to have given up on breaking free. Rhinos are a repetitive theme in Bombardieri’s work, and this one is particularly heartbreaking.

The Thumb

The Thumb
Location: Paris – near Arc de la Defense

There’s a giant thumb over by La Defense. The thumb was made in 1965 by a French sculptor named Cesar Baldaccini.

Melting cow

Melting cow
This cow is situated in Budapest downtown on Vorosmarty ter (square). Like a melting blue ice cream.

Eating a Biscuit together

Eating a Biscuit together
Located in Seoul, Korea, in front of the Bukcheon Museum. Sculptor is Ku BomJu.

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa
Location: Asus Headquarters

A Mona Lisa made of computer chips. An unexpected tribute to Leonardo da Vinci’s incomparable work of art lies in the lobby of PC maker Asus’ headquarters in Taiwan. It’s a Mona Lisa collage created from old motherboards and computer chips. It’s no patch on the real thing but is still an amazing work of geek art.

Upside Down Horse

Upside Down Horse
Location: Prague, Czech Republic

This sculptor is displayed in Prague in the Czech Republic. This statue would be strange hanging the way it was meant to as shown in the picture or right side up.

Playful Mom and Daughter

Playful Mom and Daughter
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

This statue outside of a building in Salt Lake City, Utah depicts a mother swinging her daughter around and around. It’s a strange place for that sort of statue.


Location: Madrid, Spain

Here’s a playful statue outside of the Atocha Rail Station in Madrid, Spain. If you’re waiting for a train, there are all sorts of things you can do to pass the time away. A game of leapfrog anyone.


Location: Singapore

Along the Singapore River in Singapore are numerous beautiful statues. One of the most unique of them is this one of children pushing other children into the river. You can’t help but give it a second look and inspect how that design was able to work.

Hanging Around

Hanging Around
Location: Prague, the Czech Republic

Here’s another one of David Cerny’s pieces. This statue’s original location was in Prague in the Czech Republic. However, it’s been moving around the world as it’s gotten a lot of attention. This statue is a life sized statue of Sigmund Freud.

Say Cheese!

Say Cheese

This unique statue may look awfully strange, but if you see it in Bratislava, Slovakia it will make more sense. The statue is located right in front of the Paparazzi restaurant.

One of Those Days

One of Those Days
Location: Los Angeles, California

We’ve all have those days where we never should have gotten out of bed or where we just feel like we want to ram our head into a wall. This statue in front of the Ernst & Young building in Los Angeles, California has a perfect illustration of just that.

Man Sawing a Branch

Man Sawing a Branch
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

His Work is Never Done! Statue of a Man Sawing a Branch located at Amsterdam, Netherlands

Another Line

Another Line
Location: Washington DC

This statue is in front of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington D.C. and it depicts a bread line in The Great Depression. It may look strange, but there’s profound meaning behind it.

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