ARPG Pecaminosa hits Nintendo Switch and Steam in May, PS4/XB1 soon

There is only one week left for the noir Action-RPG created by Cereal Games to be released on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Pecaminosa will follow shortly after; we will soon confirm the final release date of the versions for Sony and Microsoft consoles.

Pecaminosa is a Police Action RPG, in which you embody a disgraced detective on the strangest case of his career: helping the ghost of a dead mobster in his aim to wash away his sins and reach for Heaven. Grab your gun, hit the streets and do what you do best: investigate and interact with the scum

Pecaminosa blends the charm of pixel art and the mechanics of an Action RPG with the atmosphere of film noir. The Legend of Zelda combined with Touch of Evil.

You have not seen and played anything like it. Interrogate suspects, explore a city dominated by crime and sin, and never hesitate to use your fists and guns. These are hard times in a very tough city.

Main features:

  • Unique ambience: Film noir atmosphere with an original jazz soundtrack that will make you fall in love…
  • Mini-games: Want to take home the pot playing Blackjack? Be our guest…The tables are still hot.
  • Guns and apparel: Customize your character’s weapons and clothing, evolving them through the L.I.F.E. System.
  • Boss battles: Let’s raise a glass or two to the good old times! Besides taking part in an intense and dashing narrative, you also get to fight against big, bad, bosses!

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