of bells and gloves

So back in September, after I moved, a girl I knew from high school posted that her musical group was looking for another member. I thought hey! that sounds fun! and emailed her back. Of course, being just after I’d moved, it turned out that the rehearsals are back near my parents’ house. D’oh.

It’s a handbell group – yep, like church handbells. We do rehearse in a church (although I’m not a member) once a week, and we’ve got a gig coming up! I’m a little thin on the details, but all I know is that it’s nerd-themed, and we’ll be playing Star Wars (the Imperial March and the opening theme), and the themes to the original Legend of Zelda and Super Mario!

Not exactly what you think of when you think handbell choir, eh? I love that.

Rather than the usual white gloves, we’re a little more into black gloves. I didn’t have any around (I use other gloves for rehearsal), so –

boring black gloves

Too bad black gloves are rather boring to photograph. I’m using St. Denis, which is lovely, and I’d better work on these a little more or they won’t be done in time!

Oh, and a sneak peek for my next new pattern, which will be released later this week – the dipped infinity scarf.

dipped infinity scarf



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16 responses to “of bells and gloves”

  1. Cleo Avatar

    those are some of my Favorite songs ever. i bet they will sound amazing in bells!

  2. Lilah Avatar

    i wana here the bell songs. nice scarf.

  3. Lilah Avatar

    i wana hear the bell songs. nice scarf.

  4. Rachel Avatar

    love the scarf!! have fun with the bells. I’ve never heard a bell choir perform. We don’t have any in town.

  5. Erin Avatar

    Honest to goodness I have never heard of a bell choir and certainly never a church one…this must be a Toronto phenom!

  6. Claudine Avatar

    You should have someone video the performance so you can post it! I wish I could se it live!

  7. April Avatar

    I like the stitch pattern on the scarf and good luck finishing the gloves.

    The geek in me is greatly intrigued by handbell versions of Star Wars, Zelda, and Mario.

  8. danielle Avatar

    I’d love to hear those songs on bells. I was in bell choir in high school (in Ohio, so I can vouch for it not being a strictly Toronto thing). Hope you’re having fun with it!

  9. Amanda Avatar

    I would like to second the request for a video!

  10. Tanis Avatar

    Oooh! The colours in that scarf are gorgeous! Can’t wait to see the pattern!

  11. jane Avatar

    Handbells are so much fun, I played in elementary school. But nothing as nerdtacular as Star Wars.

  12. Seanna Lea Avatar

    A couple of my friends down here do handbells, which sounds like a lot of fun! I love the idea of the geeky music (and I really love the imperial march).

  13. kmkat Avatar

    If the groups is not too strict, you could knit a pair of gloves from STR Raven clan yarn — variegated yarn overdyed with black. Lovely stuff. I wish I could hear your handbell choir. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  14. JJ Avatar

    I have so much nerd-love for you and your bell choir right now. Too bad I’m so far away from Toronto or I would try to come hear you play.

  15. Red Avatar

    It sounds like you have a great bell choir! I loved playing handbells when I was in middle/high school, and I think it would be a lot of fun to play in a non-church group. Enjoy!

  16. Joaquin Rizer Avatar

    I have been absent for a while, but now I remember why I used to love this site. Thanks , Iˇ¦ll try and check back more frequently. How frequently you update your web site?

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