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Charlee Starr

Charlee @BreakingCharlee Starr’s nipples have a heart on for you

Charlee Starr
So this happened.

Charlee Starr is a cam girl; you can find her on Twitter as @BreakingCharlee and also at her official website MyCharleeStarr.com

Here she is prior to December 3. She has nice breasts, doesn’t she?

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

And if you get in nice and tight you will see she has a rare nipple piercing — horizontal and vertical bars. Well done, Charlee:

Charlee Starr

But as I was saying — here’s Charlee on December 3. She’s taken the piercings out. Whatever could she be up to?:

Charlee Starr

Here she is lying back on a table in a tattoo parlor. Curiouser and curiouser!:

Charlee Starr

And here she is just moments later:

Charlee Starr

Whoa! Are those heart nipples?


That is awesome. Here, enjoy them some more:

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr

Charlee Starr





2 responses to “Charlee @BreakingCharlee Starr’s nipples have a heart on for you”

  1. Not sure how I feel about this

  2. Charlee Starr

    Hey it’s Charlee Starr. Funny what pops up when you google yourself 🙂 it’s been over 3 years since I got these tattoos. They’ve faded so much. I need to get them redone. I’ve gotten my hummingbird chest piece finished and a few new tattoos. If you’d like a few follow up pics email me at the address I provided. Thanks again for the good piece. Cheers 🙂

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