994 The Future Is Bright

This is very well done. I particularly like the ad for American Apparel. And “The End of Experts,” by Thomas Friedman.


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  1. The end of experts concept gives rise to this question — who would you prefer, Sara Palin?

    My rationale for the War was similar to Friedman’s, so I sypathize with him:

    I don’t know if they have WMDs, but if the worst outcome is that you get rid of Hitler Lite, why not do it?

    Obviously my assessment of “the worst outcome” was a bit off. (I don’t mean to make light of all of this, because it does sicken me.)

    Comment by James S. — November 20, 2008 #

  2. Ooh, good question: “Sarah Palin or Thomas Friedman?” I like these hypothetical question games. This one’s a bit like choosing your method of suicide: “hand grenade or seppuku?”

    If the choice were between Palin and Friedman as columnists, I would choose Palin: she’s much, much funnier.

    Comment by The Skeptic — November 20, 2008 #

  3. Do you know who Tina Fey is? She might be best.

    Comment by James S. — November 21, 2008 #

  4. Excellent idea!
    Do I know who Tina Fey is? She is a genius, the ideal woman, my No. 1 Celebrity Crush. 30 Rock might be the funniest show on television.

    Comment by The Skeptic — November 21, 2008 #

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