
Spotted in one of the tabloid Sunday papers. A caption underneath this picture that stated, “Jessica Alba, second from right…”

You don’t say…


Vague memory of a need for a web app that I thought up on holiday, something to do with accessing something via a mobile phone. Can’t for the life of me remember what it was though. Thinking cap on.


I’ve been writing up some book reviews (didn’t read much on holiday as it turned out) and I’m wondering if the availability of thousands of reviews and comments on a book – via Amazon, forums, and blogs – means that there are fewer bad books being bought and sold. I can’t think of a book that I’ve read in the last two or three years that I didn’t enjoy to some extent. Or maybe it’s just that I don’t write reviews of the bad ones? Or because I’m easily pleased, or does that just mean I’ve got a broad sense of taste?


Matt nails the summer “dip” in the blogosphere. I especially liked the quote: “We all go through fallow periods. We must let the soil prepare for new growth.”


Thanks for the comments on the photos – what a fantastic bunch of liars you lot are. OK, I’m kidding there are a few there I’m quite happy with, there are also a couple more to be posted but I’m still cropping them. I went with the “shoot often” approach on this holiday, taking 429 photos in total. Of them I reckon about 50 to 60 are usable, the 30 featured below are the cream of the crop (I think).

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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