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Bitcoin is the most talked-about subject in the global financial sector in the past 2 years. This cryptocurrency is managed to reach heights that no product or service did. As of March 2021, Bitcoin is as valued as gold, which is an astonishing accomplishment. Due to its popularity and advantages when it comes to payments, Bitcoin’s network counts 5 million people and thousands more are joining with each passing day.

With all that being said, we wanted to name a few reasons why you should start using this cryptocurrency for online payments and other purposes. Let’s check the list out.

Instant Transactions

These days, credit and debit cards are the primary method when it comes to online transactions. While they are optimized for this type of use, they are extremely inferior compared to Bitcoin and here’s why. By using this method, it can take up to 5 business days before a transaction is completed. Credit and debit cards go thought a processing period, which is why payments are kind of slow.

That is not the case with Bitcoin. This cryptocurrency is fully optimized for online use. Every transaction is instant – there is no processing time whatsoever.

Greater Security

Bitcoin is often labelled as the safest payment method. That is because it is utilized by a method called cryptology. This method masks the information that is transferred by using codes. In doing so, it provides its users with a certain level of online anonymity. Being safe in an era where online scams are happening each day is a massive feature and that is exactly what Bitcoin provides its users with.

The Chance To Make a Profit

The chance to make a profit is the main reason why so many people use Bitcoin. Thee profit comes from trading Bitcoin at reputable platforms like immediatebitcoin.io. This particular trading site uses an AI system that collects all types of data about Bitcoin from the market. The data is then analysed and based on what the system collects, it is able to predict Bitcoin’s future price.

As you know, Bitcoin comes with a high volatility rate and traders have difficulty determining when is the best time to sell it. Trading sites like the one mentioned above provide them with perfect market research and traders then know when to sell their assets and maximise their profits.  

No Fees

All payment methods are controlled by banks in one way or another. Hence, banks can impose various fees on all types of transactions. Bitcoin is a self-sustainable currency, meaning that it is not controlled by any bank or any centre. All of its users take part in the process of keeping the cryptocurrency moving forward.

The major advantage that comes with its self-sustainability is that people void all of the fees imposed by banks. These facilities are completely cut from the process. Not only that, but the general fees for international transactions are much lower than the average.

In a way, by using Bitcoin, people actually save money with each transaction.

Superior to Other Cryptocurrencies 

Apart from being superior to the regular payment methods, Bitcoin also holds tons of advantages over other cryptocurrencies. As you know, the success of Bitcoin opened up the market and thousands of new digital currencies appeared. But, none of them even comes close to Bitcoin.

First of all, Bitcoin is by far the safest cryptocurrency on the market. It focuses on security far more than its competitors. Its network and infrastructure are far bigger and way more developed. Even global brands started accepting Bitcoin as a payment method these days. Bitcoin is more stable, has greater liquidity, and most importantly – it is way more valuable than other cryptocurrencies.

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