Zoom opening data centre in Singapore
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With Covid-19 lockdowns and working from home in place, video conferencing tool Zoom has seen a surge in usage.

According to Zoom’s quarterly earnings release, it was reported that the company experienced a 169 per cent year-over-year revenue growth.

The company’s influx of users comes despite multiple privacy breaches around the world, and recent attention on whether it is sending data to China.

The California-based company has worked together with the Economic Development Board to set up a new data centre in Singapore.

The opening of this new facility will lead to the creation of more engineering and sales jobs to boost the business’ growth in the region.

However, Zoom did not specify how many new staff it plans to hire.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education suspended the use of the video conferencing tool following breaches involving obscene images.

However, the ban did not last long — schools were allowed to resume the use of Zoom after introducing “three additional layers of defence” after just a week. Currently, more than 400 schools now use the platform.

“The COVID-19 crisis has driven higher demand for distributed, face-to-face interactions and collaboration using Zoom,” said Zoom’s CEO Eric Yuan in a statement.

“Use cases have grown rapidly as people integrated Zoom into their work, learning, and personal lives.”

Featured Image Credit: Zoom and Bizfluent

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