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Heard of the recent wefie taken by the professional crew from Ropequest Sdn. Bhd on top of the KL Tower? If you haven’t, you can check them out here.

Image Credit: Ropequest
Image Credit: Ropequest

The whole idea of taking risky wefies is an upcoming trend among professionals and others; and they are going to extreme lengths in order to take an impressive and a memorable wefie.

While I may never understand the craze of risking one’s life for absolutely no viable reason, I should say that I find their attempts quite entertaining.

Alpha Parkour Movements 

The video recently released by two men from the Alpha Parkour Movements crew features two of their professional members climbing and walking on the famous Seri Wawasan Putrajaya suspension bridge across the Putrajaya bridge, like a bunch of locally dressed superheroes, is making rounds on social media.

Image Credit: Alpha Parkour Movements Youtube Channel
Image Credit: Alpha Parkour Movements Youtube Channel

The video begins with Abir and Abudi engaging in a short free-running session where they do random flips (because they can), and they take us on a journey to show us their favourite spot in the city of Putrajaya (and you know what that means, they are about to climb a bridge).

Abudi makes his journey (it’s just a few steps) with a red bull in hand and his partner with holds on to the selfie stick, and of they go on top of the bridge.

You can check them out here.

After watching the video, my first response was, “Is this even legal?”

I loved the fact that they didn’t need any protective gear for this attempt and I felt a sense of exhilaration because I felt I was with them while they carrying out the whole stunt. However, my position was much safer though.

While it’s not my first time seeing people climb buildings or bridges for that matter, in fact, I have seen many white guys dangling from ropes attempting even scarier things, but it is quite admirable to watch these local professionals attempt to perform such stunts with absolutely no protective gear.

Image Credit: Alpha Parkour Movement Youtube Channel
Image Credit: Alpha Parkour Movement Youtube Channel

I hope they understand the gravity of what’s at stake, if anything does go wrong and it will one odd day, their faces will be reduced to pulp and that’s when the following question will be raised.

“Is it all worth it?”

Is it?

And that’s a worthy discussion that many are having online in response to the video. Many netizens feel that their effort is not worth the applause. Do I agree with them? Well, not really. If random, untrained strangers from Craiglist attempted these dangerous stunts, then our concern for their thrill seeking lives is valid.

But the people attempting these stunts are trained professionals who seem to have understood what’s at stake, they’ve put in years of training into their art, they have thought deeply about their behavior (I assume they have) and I hope they consulted with trainers or supervisors before attempting the stunt, and I’m sure they have a will in place, in case they are crushed to death by the power of gravity.

Image Credit: Alpha Parkour Movement Youtube Channel
Image Credit: Alpha Parkour Movement Youtube Channel

Since, they are trained and conscious of their way of life, I don’t see why the couch potatoes of this world take issue with the matter.

We should just let them be, and if they die, they died doing what they love.

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