Cocina Mexicana y Vinos de Jerez en Cuchara de Palo, Jerez /Mexican Cuisine and Sherry Wines at the Cuchara de Palo Restaurant in Jerez

No nos cansamos de decir que hay un jerez para cada plato de las cocinas del mundo  y esta vez lo comprobamos con la cocina mexicana.   En el restaurante Cuchara de Palo de Jerez disfrutamos de un menú Sherrymix excelente.  Los artífices fueron los chefs Lalo Plascencia (CIG México)  y Carlos Herrero (Cuchara de Palo).

We have never tired of saying that there is a sherry wine that pairs well with every cuisine in the world.   This time, we tried them with Mexican cuisine at the Cuchara de Palo restaurant in Jerez where we enjoyed an excellent Sherrymix pairing.  The culinary artists were Chefs Lalo Plascencia (CIG México)  and Carlos Herrero (Cuchara de Palo).

Algunos estábamos un poco nerviosos con este mundo “enchilado”.  A pesar de los muchos años que viví en El Paso,Texas,  no llegué a acostumbrarme al chile super-picante que añaden a casi todo.  El chef mexicano Lalo Plasencia nos tranquilizó y explicó que aunque todos los platos llevaban algún tipo de chile, picarían lo justo para resaltar los sabores de cada uno y para maridar con los estupendos vinos de jerez que los acompañaron y que Ruth Amaya, la Directora de Comunicación de CIG México fue introduciendo pasito a pasito.  Así fue.  Fuimos experimentando con los sabores de cada plato armonizándolos con el jerez recomendado y con los otros jereces también.

Some of us were a bit nervous venturing into this spicy “chile” world.  Although I lived in El Paso, Texas, for many years, I never became used to the super-hot chile that seems to be added to everything there.  Mexican Chef Lalo Plasencia calmed our fears and explained that although all of the dishes that he had prepared contained some form of chile, they were only sufficiently spicy to enhance the flavor of those dishes and to successfully harmonize with each recommended Sherry wine.  As the dishes and wines were served, the wines were introduced by Ruth Amaya, who is the Communications Director for  CIG México.  We savoured the flavors of each dish which was carefully paired with the selected sherry wine.  We were also able to experiment a contrast on our palates by pairing some of the plates with a sherry other than the recommend one.

Nos encontramos con buenos amigos y con Sherry Explorers y pasamos un rato estupendo.

We were able to meet up with, and share a wonderful time, with many of our good friends and quite a few Sherry Explorers.


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