Walking In…

Ever walked into the men’s room by accident? Only once, and thankfully, nobody there. Since then I double check the sign as I enter. Walked into an unknown situation lately? With stomach jitters and looking for the exit.

Many times we don’t notice where we’re going and many more times fail to invite God to walk into the unknown with us.

“So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.” (Matthew 14:29 NLT)

The story recorded in the book of Matthew tells of the disciples going across the water to the other side, they were making slow headway because the wind was against them. Taking most of the night they still were not there, when Jesus sets out to join them, walking across the water. When they saw Him they thought he was a ghost and were terrified. Peter was brave enough to call out ‘if it’s You, Lord, tell me to come to You’. Out Peter goes “But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. ‘Save me, Lord!'” he shouted.” (Matthew 14:30 NLT)

Although we’re often quick to fault Peter for taking His eyes off Jesus (part of the lesson) – the greater lesson is calling out to Jesus. First Peter calls out ‘tell me to come to you’ – then he calls out ‘Lord save me’.

Right there – in those walks into the unknown, call out. But there are two times: the first, before the unknown happens. Before the tragic illness, the broken relationship, the loss of job. Calling out by walking in His Word and in prayer.

“Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth” (Psalm 86:11 NIV)

And the second time? During the storm – in the hospital room, the confrontation, the mounting bills. Two simple words ‘Lord, save’. The saving may not always look the way we want it to, but the Savior is always there, lifting us up out the water we’re sinking in. Putting us back in the boat, safe in His presence, seeing us to the other side.

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me…And Your right hand will save me.” (Psalm 138:7 NASB) Walking in the light of His love.



11 Comments on “Walking In…

  1. Praying that as the school year comes to a close, parents will take God with them into the summer and on vacation, not take a vacation from Him.

    Sent from my iLand 🌺🌊🐠🙃


    • I second that prayer, especially praying for those who don’t even know Him that maybe this summer they will find the lover of their souls. Walking with you as we hold His hand…


  2. Hi Paris! I love this line: “The saving may not always look the way we want it to, but the Savior is always there…” Thanks for this needful reminder. Blessings to you!


    • Joy, first let me say, I love your name and I know you are His joy for sure. And yes, it is such a joy 🙂 that He is always there, may not look like we want, but He has our best always, always in mind. Blessings…


  3. Beautiful reflection, friend. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the momentum of life that we can forget to invite God into each situation. We’re so blessed to have a God who, not only is outside the boat saving us, but is inside the boat comforting us. Such a good Father, He is. — ((Hug))


    • Yes, so true, as Ann Graham Lotz always says, God is a gentleman, He will not push His way into our lives, He waits patiently for us to seek Him 🙂


  4. The Lord used the story of Peter taking his eyes off of Jesus and sinking in the waves to ultimately bring me to salvation. Having suffered with anxiety a friend of a friend invited me to do a one on one Bible study with her and the Bible Study book revolved around that story.

    I loved your insights on how we “call out” before a storm even happens and calling out in the midst of the storm.

    Thanks for sharing this edifying post.


    • Karen, isn’t is sweet how the Lord uses His Word to reach our soul and then those Words become so dear to us. Many blessings of peace, my friend, as you walk in the calm and in the storms…


  5. I love this, Paris Renae! And I love your name! 🙂 Calling out to God before the unknown happens and during the storm, and knowing that He is always there – lifting us, putting us back in the boat with Him and seeing us to the other side. Love it! Thanks for the encouragement today!


    • Carlie, thank you and isn’t it awesome to know that rain or shine, good or bad, and all the in between – we are secure? Secure in His love, in our eternity. Blessings as you walk in whatever He calls you to and as you call on the One who loves you so…


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