2014 Blogger Challenge: LISTEN Inspiration

A few weeks ago I announced that I was going to be a happy participant in the 2014 Blogger Challenge. I am so excited to take part in this…there are so many other wonderful Bloggers who will be posting awesome posts throughout the year and I can’t wait to read them. If you’d like to check out some of their posts as well be sure to head over to Another Girly Blog or the 2014 Blogger Challenge Group Facebook Page where everyone is posting their links and to meet a few of the Bloggers!

Now, on to this week’s Topic:  INSPIRATION…we were challenged to forgo writing a New Years Resolution post and instead select a quote or a picture that inspires us and perhaps will inspire others as we begin this New Year.

I feel this is a great idea especially since I had already decided to avoid making a list of resolutions that I am most likely to abandon sometime during week 3 of the year.  I have already chosen to simply choose One Word this year to focus on and work towards achieving and making a greater part of my daily life.  so, I’ve decided to select a quote that helps inspire me to reach my One Word for 2014 and perhaps inspire someone else along the way.

My One Word was LISTEN.  I chose it because I have a bad habit of asking a question to my family, Hubby, friends, etc. and then not being or staying fully present for the answer.  The quote I selected is one that I think helps me understand even more why actually being able to LISTEN to is so important.

Read This Too  Make New Friends At This Week's Mommy Monday Blog Hop!




I couldn’t find the author of this quote but whoever wrote it or said it must have realized that not only does being a person who can truly LISTEN to others doesn’t merely impact how you hear but also how you are heard.  I honestly didn’t even consider that side of the word until I saw this quote.

Maintaining my focus on being able to LISTEN throughout 2014 was initially something I felt I was doing to show more respect, love and appreciation to those around me.  I had never even considered that it could also have an impact on how they saw me and in turn chose to share and speak with me.

Another part of this quote that opened my eyes a bit was that how you Speak can also determine how others listen.  A while back I had taken on a challenge to Yell Less and Hear More.  In that challenge I was trying to eliminate the amount of yelling I did at and towards my children and those in my home.  I had realized that my voice level and tone were having a major impact on my Kiddies and it wasn’t one that I liked.

This quote reminds me of that as well, it helps me remember that there are times when others may not LISTEN to me simply because of the manner I choose to speak.

I hope that this quote helps to offer INSPIRATION to someone reading this to be aware of your tone and the manner in which you speak to others.  There are times when even the kindest of intentions may be misread by the way it is presented.

Read This Too  How Blessings Grow

Until the next 2014 Blogger Challenge I wish you Love, Life and Laughter!

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