By In Scribblings

Joffre Swait: Abortion Bullies

LifeSiteNews, a well-known anti-abortion website, has posted a video of Dan Savage, homosexual founder of the “It Gets Better” campaign, saying that abortion should be mandatory for thirty years. You know, until the current overpopulation crisis passes.

Let’s state this clearly. Mr. Savage would like to have the in utero babies of women who want to have babies killed.

There is oh so much to address here, but let us gloss over the murder and bad science. Let’s talk about this: who does Mr. Savage imagine would be making abortion mandatory? People who worship the State like to talk in nebulous terms, to make their ideas sound like they come from a wellspring of mainstream support. But…even if they did, who is doing the mandating? Who is enforcing this?

We’re talking about laws and policemen here.

So we’re talking about the State.

Very well. We accept this. We accept that the man who made his name with an “anti-bullying” campaign condemning a majority for telling a minority how to live their lives, is going to ask an as-yet-non-existent oligarchy to tell a majority how to live their lives.

What I get from this is that it’s not “bullying” that is wrong. Or rather, bullying is only bullying when the bully disagrees with Mr. Savage. If the bully’s goals are those of Mr. Savage, why then, that man is a good soldier and a savior.

At what point are we allowed to call this a crusade, or a war? When men with guns are involved? From London to Beijing to Ottawa, that is already happening.

Lord have mercy.


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