William Goodge by Nate Vaughan for #50DUDES Photo-Book Vol 1

William Goodge at W Model Mgmt features in our special edition photo-book #50DUDES, photographed by Nate Vaughan. Check out our Q&A with William further down this post.

The #50DUDES Model Photo-Book features a massive 50 male models in Yearbook’s trademark collegiate style. Inside, the #50DUDES show off their bodies as well as sportswear, fashion and underwear. #50DUDES is focused solely on the model and the talent and includes a small Q&A with each dude. Available now in print or digital editions from the links below.

ORDER HERE the hardcover, softcover photo-book or digital edition

Shipping Costs: FREE to UK & just £10.50 to EU, US, AUS, Canada & Worldwide

Print Edition Spec
224 pages
Perfect Bound Softback & Casebound Hardcover
Full colour
210mm x 210mm
Matt Laminated Cover

Digital Edition Spec
416 pages
Full colour

Q&A with William

Name: William Goodge
Agency: W Model Mgmt
Location: London
Occupation: Model
Date of Birth: 30/04/1994
What do you fear?
I fear sitting still and living average. I want to build my life resumé and overcome obstacles
What makes you happy?
Being appreciated by others, I get a lot out of feeling useful. That and adventure, solo or with others, I love new experiences
Favourite food?
You’re asking a foodie his favourite food?! As of right now, I’m going to say anything Japanese
Favourite Cologne?
I’m feeling this Byredo – Elevator Music right now
Somebody I admire?
Family and friends aside, David Goggins. He’s one hard mother*****r, his mantra on work ethic and a hardened mind is inspiring


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