7 Quick Takes 2014 vol 15: Gluten and Citrus Colored Couches



I haven’t been sleeping well, and I’m totally not feeling the logging love right now so this will hopefully be a quick quick takes.

1. I was all excited for Gluten. Molly has been off of gluten for a year, and for the first time all her symptoms seem to be under control. Since part of her problem was constipation, and that has been dealt with, we decided, at the prompting of her allergist to trial some gluten.

One cracker…. wait two days… NOTHING!

Another cracker… wait two days… NOTHING!

One more cracker… BOOM! Her poor tummy blew up like a balloon and she looked about 7 months pregnant. Hard-like-a-drum belly.

Then there was a GI appointment, and we were told that was our sign. No more gluten until further notice. Sigh. And I was all ready to take the poor baby out for a cupcake.

no cupcake

2. I got to go antique shopping! With no kids! Just me and a friend!

I found a lot of the usual stuff. One store was clearly and “Antique” shop, not an Antique shop if you know what I mean. But OH! The cute kitchen stuff! All sorts of things like this:


Next time I need kitchen stuff, I’m heading here instead of Target. Nice glass dishes with lids, for not much more than Rubbermaid. And so much cooler!

3. I confess that I may buy my next couch there too. They had a lot of them that looked like this:


And while they were nearly as ugly as sin, and yellow is almost my least favorite color (next to brown, unless the brown is chocolate, or brownies) the couches were in great shape and cheaper than ikea couches. Which is saying something. And if someone throws up on a couch like this, it doesn’t really wreck it. Right?

4. More about couches.  When I first met my husband, he had 4 younger brothers who were in the 4-10 year old range. They were a force to be reckoned with. Over the course of the first couple years I knew him, his parents went through about 4 couches. People would just give them the couches they were getting rid of.

My family, on the other hand, bought our furniture in a store. And I always wondered why his mom didn’t want to get a nice couch.

Now I know. Smartest. Woman. Ever. (Love you!) The thought of a newly bought couch gives me hives now. These little people would wreck it SO FAST.

5. We looked at a rental house this week. We almost jumped for it too. Great neighborhood, great location, great kitchen. Oh, I salivated over the kitchen. It had one of those deep drawers for pans. How awesome is that? BUt when we got home and I kind of took inventory of our furniture, just the furniture the we HAVE to have, like the bookshelves and our “office” cabinet, I couldn’t figure out how we could work it. So we took a great leap of faith.

We started the day thinking our leap of faith would be grabbing this house and moving before we thought we ever could, but in the end our leap of faith was believing that something better is out there for us. I do hope we can find something. Pray for us, please!

6. Another confession here, I kind of hate Mother’s Day. This Buzzfeed pretty much explains why. I think they should put Mother’s Day back in September when I’m all on top of the world and managing all the school stuff like a Boss. Not in May when I just sent my preschooler to school this morning with out even brushing her (curly, and therefore very unruly) hair and her t-shirt was so short her belly stuck out. Oh, and there were knee holes in her pants. This is my little prissy girl. She doesn’t even care anymore at this point in the school year. By May I just kind of feel like a fraud as a parent. I’m just the babysitter here, ordering up the pizza (oops, gluten.) er, Chick Fil A again. Veggies? French fries count, right? Or watermelon?


7. What I am really craving right now are slower days and  little more sleep. Ahhh sleep. How I have missed you all these long months. We will be together again soon, I promise.

Go see Jen for more Quick Takes!

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