Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Themed Entertainment Association hires executive search firm for Executive Director position

The Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) is looking to hire a visionary Executive Director to lead the organization through its next period of opportunity, innovation, and strategic growth. In order to find the best person to fill this crucial role, TEA has selected an executive search firm, Vetted Solutions, to lead the search effort.

Vetted Solutions, headquartered in Washington DC with offices in Chicago and Los Angeles, has a demonstrated track record of executive recruiting within the association space and a client-focused approach to the process. TEA will be served by a focused team of recruiters who have both association and specific entertainment and hospitality industry experience providing a comprehensive approach to identifying potential candidates. The process is led by Vetted Solutions President and Founder, Jim Zaniello, FASAE.

Position profile is anticipated in mid-March. Candidates interested in receiving the position profile when it is available should email [email protected]. The search process will continue until the right global executive is identified, though TEA hopes to announce its next Executive Director by early summer.

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