Thursday, June 6, 2024

Checking In: WyldBlue Entertainment

1) What is WyldBlue Entertainment?

WyldBlue Entertainment is a leading international creative consulting, project management, design development and production company that specializes in all disciplines of leisure entertainment, production and e-media. We strive to create magical guest experiences that not only tell a great story, but make the most of safety, the environment and culture, while improving the quality of life.  Fresh, clever and inventive, WyldBlue excels in project design development, project management and operations.


2) WyldBlue is celebrating its tenth anniversary. How did the company get started?

Principals Jim King and Jan Shaw have known each other and worked together on projects for over 20 years.  No matter where in the world we were working, we kept crossing paths.  Ten years ago, we realized that we compliment each other’s strengths, and in a “V8 moment” said, “Why aren’t we working together as Partners?”  We launched WyldBlue by developing and producing a Travel TV series, the “Soarin’” attraction dedication and “California Dreamin’” International Press Event at Epcot.


3) Ten years ago we were in the middle of the post- “9/11” slump.  How has the market changed since then?

Post “9/11”, the “new economy”, corporate mergers and political games all had a major influence on how companies conducted business.  Many companies had to close their doors. It was a lean time that forced companies who wanted to stay in business to re-invent themselves by diversifying.  WyldBlue survived by changing strategies and creating new solutions. We also asked our clients what they needed from us in order to succeed.  We encouraged them to use a modular phase planning approach that breaks down projects in bite size, affordable pieces, while completing a long term goal. We saw the need to do some things better for our clients, and adjusted to fit their needs.  We developed relationships and strategic alliances with companies to team together, created new and licensed intellectual properties, and focused on technology of the future so that our clients’ projects would be prepared when everything turned back on again.  Our patience paid off.   Now we are seeing a positive upswing as projects are coming alive again.  Recently, WyldBlue has been signed as Owner’s Reps /Project Management firm for two large U.S. development projects, and are being considered for a few overseas projects.  In addition, we are in pre-production for two reality series and Webisodes.


4) What regions or specific market segments do you find the most promising for future growth?

Many of the projects that are crossing our desks are mixed-use entertainment destination resorts, large theme park projects and dark ride attractions. The need for multiple revenue streams is critical. We have been advocating for interactive experiences to replace traditional queue lines. We see substantial projects coming out of China, with a great need for companies like ours that possess wider, more balanced design, master planning, project management, ride and show design development, and operational knowledge to support the growth of projects in China and other areas.  Eastern Europe and underserved regions like India are indicating potential.



5) What big predictions do you have for the themed entertainment industry ten years from now?

We envision projects with long term forecasts of 10-20 years ahead to stay on the cutting edge. We predict explosive growth in family-oriented projects, as more countries grow their middle class consumer.  Based on what we are working on, new technology will be an amazing game changer. However, although technology is a great tool and delivery system, content, story and experience continue to drive the industry. IP-driven experiences and interactivity will rise, while the more traditional media will fall away.   We predict that immersive guest experiences and audience interactivity with special effects will continue to evolve as consumers become more sophisticated. Themed entertainment of the future will be more esoteric, simulated, interactive experiences for guests to become more actively involved, rather than as passive observers.

Jan Shaw                               Jim King
818.450.7469                       818.445.8902

Martin Palicki
Martin Palicki
Martin Palicki owns and publishes InPark Magazine. Started in 2004, InPark Magazine provides owners and operators the perspective from "in"side the "park." Martin has also written for publications like Sound & Communications, Lighting & Sound America, Attractions Management and others. Martin has been featured in Time Magazine, and Folio. Martin lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

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