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PlayStation Korea Delivers a Fun ‘Death Stranding’ Promo Video



In case you didn’t know, Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding is out now. But really, the amount of hype generated by Kojima himself made it so that everyone knew without much in terms of slick ads. Then you have Sony’s Korea branch, which decided to have a little fun with the idea of Norman Reedus’ character being a courier. You can probably guess what that involves, but it’s better if you just watch.

Along with already being on the PS4, Death Stranding will also be coming to PC Summer 2020.

Writer/Artist/Gamer from the Great White North. I try not to be boring.

Video Games

‘Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game’ Arrives Today on PC, Consoles [Trailer]



The wait is finally over for Teravision Games and IllFonic’s Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game. Well, that’s unless you sprung for Advance Access last week, but the main thing is that everyone can now enjoy this unique take on asymmetrical multiplayer action.

Based on MGM’s iconic 80s cult classic movie directed by the Chiodo Bros. (who also had a hand in helping to develop the game), Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game is a 3v7, asymmetric multiplayer experience that pits a team of three Killer Klowns against seven humans.

The game flips the traditional “hunter vs. hunted” formula on its head. The Klowns aren’t the only hunters this time, as the Humans have the chance to be the aggressor, the escape artist, or master the art of hide-and-seek in the five (so far) available maps.

Longtime fans of the film will see easter eggs cleverly placed throughout the game, including an ice cream truck that just might save your Human. And as mentioned before, this is just the beginning, as IllFonic will unveil its post-launch roadmap for Killer Klowns soon!

Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game is available on PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, and the Xbox Series. And check out our review of the game while you wait for that download to finish.

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