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Another Day, Another Poster For ‘The Woman In Black’!



On February 3 CBS Films releases Hammer’s The Woman in Black, an old fashioned ghost story starring Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter 1-7.2) and Ciaran Hinds (There Will Be Blood). With a screenplay by Jane Goldman (X Men: First Class, Kick Ass), based on the novel by Susan Hill, the film is directed by James Watkins who helmed Eden Lake in addition to writing The Descent: Part 2.

In keeping with the marketing department of the film’s recent tradition of releasing a new poster for the film every single day* – we have a new international one sheet! Uncle!

In this supernatural thriller, Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe), a widowed lawyer whose grief has put his career as a lawyer in jeopardy, is sent to a remote village to sort out the affairs of a recently deceased eccentric.  But upon his arrival, it soon becomes clear that everyone in the town is keeping a deadly secret.  Although the townspeople try to keep Kipps from learning their tragic history, he soon discovers that the house belonging to his client is haunted by the ghost of a woman who is determined to find someone and something she lost…and no one, not even the children, are safe from her vengeance.

*It feels true. Even if it’s not.

Hit the jump to check it out!


Is the ‘Frogman’ Real? Find Out Right Now on SCREAMBOX! [Trailer]



Frogman review

The legend of the Frogman comes to the screen in the new found footage movie Frogman, which joined the Bloody Disgusting-powered SCREAMBOX streaming service today!

In Frogman, “In the summer of 1999, a 12-year-old named Dallas Kyle captured footage of the mythical Frogman, but no one believed it was real. Twenty years later, Dallas, now an amateur filmmaker struggling to turn his passion into a career, returns to Loveland with friends Amy and Scotty determined to obtain irrefutable proof that the Frogman exists.

“But what starts as an innocent documentary soon turns into a Lovecraftian nightmare as Dallas uncovers the horrific secrets hidden beneath Loveland’s idyllic surface.”

Nathan Tymoshuk, Chelsey Grant, Benny Barrett and Justen Jones star.

Meagan Navarro wrote in her mini-review out of Popcorn Frights 2023, “Director Anthony Cousins takes on the cryptic Frogman via found footage in his feature directorial debut, co-written with John Karsko. In it, a trio of friends embarks on one final filmmaking hoorah before life takes them in separate directions. But in their bid to make one last attempt to capture the elusive cryptid Frogman on camera, they find far more than they ever bargained for.”

Frogman adheres to the standard found footage blueprint and tropes, drawing heavily from The Blair Witch Project and Willow Creek as the trio starts by interviewing Loveland, Ohio, locals about their town’s cryptid mascot,” Meagan’s review continues. “Friction between the friends gets brought to the surface as they get closer to the truth. While Cousins’ debut doesn’t offer any narrative surprises and makes strange style choices for the camera, it makes up for it with impressive creature effects. The more the humans invade the Frogman’s turf, the more delightfully weird and gnarly things get. It’s an SFX showcase with delightfully deranged mythology that makes this one worth the price of admission.”

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