Stay-At-Home Dad Jerry O'Connell Headed to Law School

Jerry O'Connell, Rebecca Romijn and the twins
New parents Jerry O’Connell and Rebecca Romijn take twins Dolly and Charlie out for a stroll in this pic snapped by People.

It’s September and school’s back in session, just ask Jerry O’Connell. The Do Not Disturb star, who’s playing Mr. Mom to his and wife Rebecca Romijn’s eight-month-old twins while Romijn works on her latest film, is enrolling in classes at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles.

O’Connell tells, “My wife is working on Eastwick so I’m not going to be working for the next eight months. We agreed that one of us would be with the kids.

“Rebecca will be working pretty long hours so it feels like now is a good time for law school. I’ve always planned on going. It’s just night school.

“I’d better not fail now because people will make fun. Public pressure is driving me on to study hard and get good grades.”

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