Who is Kaden Holland? Maryland teen set to stand trial as adult in 2023 attempted murder on school bus

Kaden Holland
Pictured: Kaden Holland, in a news segment from WUSA9.
Kaden Holland
Pictured: Kaden Holland, in a news segment from WUSA9.
A Maryland judge this week ruled 16-year-old Kaden Holland, who’s accused of pulling the trigger of a gun aimed at the head of another teen in a May 2023 caught-on-camera incident on a school bus, must stand trial as an adult.

Prosecutors in Prince George County argued against moving the case to the juvenile court system, pointing to Holland’s anger issues and past run-ins with authority as indicators that the juvenile system would not be adequately equipped to manage Holland.

Holland, who also goes by Baby K, was 15-years-old when he, and two other teens, allegedly rushed a school bus, gun in hand. In surveillance video from inside the bus, a masked teenager is seen holding a gun to the head of a then 14-year-old-passenger, while two other teens, also wearing masks, hold the 14-year-old victim down on the floor of the bus.

The teen holding the gun, who prosecutors contend is Holland, pulls the trigger 3 times while aiming at the victim’s head and chest. The gun misfired all 3 times. All three suspects were subsequently arrested and indicted for attempted murder as adults.

Holland’s attorney, Michael Lawlor, had argued the case should be moved to juvenile court because Holland is “a child with a child’s mind.”

On Thursday, March 7, Judge Michael Whelan ordered Holland stand trial as an adult. It’s not known at this time if a trial has been set.

May 31, 2023, Police announce the arrest of Kaden Holland and accomplices following the attempted murder of a 14 year old student on a Maryland school bus:

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