Terry Crews appears on ‘Today’ show to dismiss Gabrielle Union’s claims of racial discrimination on ‘America’s Got Talent’

Terry Crews
Terry Crews, appearing on the Today show, January 23, 2020.
Terry Crews, appearing on the Today show to promote the new season of America’s Got Talent, January 23, 2020.
Gabrielle Union’s got some words for Terry Crews after the actor and game show host went on record to disputes Union’s claims of race and sex discrimination on the set of America’s Got Talent.

Appearing on the third hour of the Today show Crews, who hosts AGT, said “First of all, I can’t speak for sexism because I’m not a woman, but I can speak on behalf of any racism comments. That was never my experience on America’s Got Talent.” You can watch the clip below:

It’s funny that Crews would say that considering a few months ago, as one of a very few men to come forward in the “Me Too” era, Crews claimed to have been sexually assaulted by a male agent.

Union was one of the few actors to throw their support behind Crews after his revelation. In replying to a Twitter post, Union, without mentioning Crews by name, made her feelings on his Today comments known, writing, “Thank u! Cuz girlllllll 😐 Truth telling, wanting change & having MULTIPLE witnesses who bravely came forward to let EVERYONE know I didn’t lie or exaggerate, really exposes those who enthusiastically will throw you under the bus, forgetting quickly who stepped up 4 THEIR truth.”

She continued to go in on Crews, “Why anyone would gleefully get up on TV and tell lies that NO ONE disputed … But we already know.”

Though Union never mentions Crews’ name, we all know exactly who she’s talking about. Crews hasn’t responded.

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