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Andrej Wajda, renowned Polish Director of repute passed away at 90


Andrej Wajda, a legend in the world of cinema, the Polish film director passed away at 90, leaving behind an opus of acclaimed films inspired by his country’s turbulent history.

His films established him as one of the world’s great directors and won him an Academy Award for his life’s work.
Wajda died in the hospital of lung failure after being in a medically-induced coma for days.

From his trilogy of Poland’s wartime resistance (“A Generation,” ”Kanal” and “Ashes and Diamonds”) to his twin portraits of workers under Communism (“Man of Marble” and “Man of Iron”) to his final film, “Afterimage,” released this year, Mr. Wajda unceasingly drew on Polish reality, sensibility and memory, stressing elements that were at times mystifying to foreign viewers.

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