9 Day Challenge: What’s in it for G-d?

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The Philosophy of Chabad

Day 1: The Ultimate Question

Day 2: Mitzvos Are Not A Means To An End

Day 3: Hashem Is Perfect

Day 4: Don’t Do Mitzvos For The Reward

Day 5: We Are Made In Hashem’s Image

Day 6: Hashem’s Desire Is Beyond Explanation

Day 7: Hashem’s Purpose Overpowers His Will

Day 8: Jews, Torah, & Hashem Are All One

Day 9: Hashem’s Dwelling Place

(To Download: Right click link and select “Save Link As”)

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2 responses

  1. People are not understanding that we are growing in our relationship with Hashem.
    This is correct Hashem desperately needs the mitzvos.
    Here it is–the mechanism
    When you do a mitvos You are allowing Hashem into his world–” this world” and allowing HIM to give.
    Your job is just the mechanism for Hashem to give you money to do good. He puts the person in front of you with the need. When you with your free will decide to help at that moment you have allowed Hashem into HIS world to give.
    Only He knows the need.Desperately- Patiently waiting to be invited in.

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