Minimalist illustrations series: ‘Minimal is Good’ by Chris Thornley

While I love minimalism in design, be it interior or furniture… I am also a fan of minimalist art! Artists like Piet MondrianCarl Andre and Jo Baer are some of the big names associated with Minimalist artist. Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual arts, where the work is set out to expose the essence, essentials or identity of a subject through eliminating all non-essential forms, features or concepts. And that’s exactly what UK based artist and designer Chris Thornley aka Raid71  has illustrated through his minimal illustrations titled ‘Minimal is Good’. Each of the illustration has simply one or two lines expressing the subtle feminine characteristics in less than a minute….Yes! It makes me believe in the saying, ‘Beauty lies in simplicity’!!

+ Raid 71

+ Minimalist art by Chris Thornley