Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (The Power of No) New 5/26/24

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Growing up in Transcona, I heard the word no often, but instead of letting it shut me down, I used no to ignite my creativity.
Overcoming the word, no is very difficult, but once achieved, magical things begin to happen, like releasing four records with my band, The Jury.

Unfortunately, other than a little fame, nothing much financially happened, so I turned to broadcasting.
When you enter the radio business, you get to overhear the word no because our industry is full of “yes men” who can only say no.

Even though overcoming no inspired me to create hit records, a brand-new radio format, and countless promotions such as The Magic Ticket, Fantasy Park, The People’s Choice, and countless others, I still hadn’t learned my lesson.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t figured out how to patent my ideas or, even better, productize them as my brother Reg did when he took his “Rewards Program” Worldwide.
I, now, of course, know exactly what I should have done, but as they say, hindsight is always 20-20.


Jerry Robert Mason: Always good to hear about the cars, George, as much as the success you have created for all the happy clients, what a Broadcast History you have had, and to think I had a small part, oh Jock suit Captain! (Piss Poor)
Geo: Good to hear from you, Mr. Mason. Unfortunately, those so-called successes had difficulty keeping up with my car payments.

Ray Whitworth: Back in 2000, I worked as an on-air producer at WBAP Ft. Worth, Texas. This young saleswoman walked into the studio and said she needed me to produce this spot before 6 a.m. tomorrow (it was a Friday night). It was on a small reel of tape, so I looked at her and said we can’t do it. She then said, “You mean you won’t do it.” I said no, the station can’t do it because we do not and have, nor have had for quite some time now, a tape reel machine. She paused and then said, “Can’t you convert it?” (Sales Savages)
Geo: and the beat goes on, Ray.

Doug Thompson: George wrote: “Is it true that Bill Drake, Buzz Bennet, and Jack McCoy are not in the Radio Hall of Fame? How is that possible?”
Neither are Chuck Blore nor Ron Jacobs, the REAL architect of KHJ’s initial success. (Sales Savages)
Geo: Unbelievable, Doug. It’s like in Indy, where WIBC and WNAP dominated the ratings for more than a decade, but few from either station are in the Indiana Hall of Fame, whereas 19 of KVIL’s are in The Texas Hall of Fame. Boo on ya, Indy!

Jed Duval: Although I have never met Mr. Zlot, he and his staff represent what community broadcasting is all about in the eyes of the public. He created his own success and deserves national recognition. Congratulations! (Gordon Zlot)
Geo, Gordon was and still is one of the best owners ever, Jed.

Wendy Holmes: How refreshing it is to understand that you are an epic Daddy. All fathers can be a dad, but it takes a special one to be a daddy!! Congratulations to you, and happy birthday to your lovely daughter. (Cami Turns 28)
Geo: My first time as a father was mostly scary, but when I did it again 20 years later, it was exhilarating. Oh, and she still calls me Daddy.

Nat Humphreys: George, I’ll bet this has happened to all of us here…more than once.
While luxuriating over Sunday Brunch this morning at one of my favorite eateries, I quickly became aware that emanating from the ceiling was 100% WIBC’s playlist from the ‘70s.
Better, all around me, the wait staff was either humming along or whispering the lyrics.
I’m not sure Glenn Miller or even Frank enjoyed such an afterlife.
Rightly or wrongly, at that moment, I hit upon the thought that some part of your success should be laid at the feet of an extraordinarily creative and palatable musical era that coincided with your masterful instinct to know what to do with it. No sucking up here, just a truth.
So this morning was beyond comforting, sitting there over eggs in the waning days of 2023 while basking in the soundtrack of a Golden Age many of us here got to be a part of. (Miss Kay Ville)
Geo: Now you’ve gone and done it, Nat, ya got me blushing! Yep, we kind of kicked Frank and his pack aside to let Bread, The Carpenters, and a lot of Sunshine in. Fun times, Nat, and they came with a 19.3 share.
Billy Bob: Beautiful memories of a loving family. (28 Today)
Geo: I’m so glad I can relive all the special moments, Billy Bob, because I have all the photos.
Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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One thought on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (The Power of No) New 5/26/24

  1. Tom Hoyt: Hello George, about The Power of No.
    The two best words a salesman can hear are “yes” and “no”. Yes, for obvious reasons and no because then you have the opportunity to ask” What is it about my presentation that you didn’t like? Please tell me and I’ll clear them up.” or words to that effect. Then you can go about answering the objection and the possible sale is still alive. Be safe and well. (The Power of No)
    Geo: As my brother Reg used to say at the end of his presentations, “I already know the answer is no, I just want to know why.”)

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