“Immortal” funded on Kickstarter!

Immortal, Game-O-Gami’s strategy game of warring mythologies, successfully funded on Kickstarter!

We did it!

Thanks to generous backers and awesome gamers like you, Immortal is now funded, allowing us to proceed with finishing this game and getting it out to backers and friendly-local-game-stores around the world. Thank you everyone for making this possible, bringing another Game-O-Gami game to life!

I am also excited to announce the NEXT project for Immortal on Kickstarter… That’s right, we’re running a new Kickstarter project starting on Tuesday, September 22nd, to upgrade the board game with new pantheons, new cards, new special abilities, and new artwork – adding 50% more gameplay content, cards, and art than before!

Egyptian and Celtic pantheon cards from Immortal

Egyptian and Celtic pantheon cards from Immortal

If the new Kickstarter project is successful, we’ll be able to add 36 new unique characters inspired by Egyptian and Celtic mythology, along with their amazing artwork and new special abilities, to Immortal before it goes to print.

We will also be funding a new deck of custom Playing Cards, featuring Immortal’s beautiful artwork with unique characters on each of the 54 cards:

Immortal custom playing cards on Kickstarter

Immortal custom playing cards, coming to Kickstarter


This will be a short, 17-day Kickstarter project, ending on October 8th, so we can get to the task of making the new content as soon as the project is funded. An official announcement will be sent out when the Kickstarter launches on September 22nd, so be sure to sign up for the newsletter (on the right-hand column of this page) to get that announcement and back the upgrade project on the first day! 


Shout-Outs to the Media

I would like to express a special THANK YOU to all of the game reviewers, bloggers, and journalists who helped promote Immortal during its Kickstarter campaign. These are awesome, friendly people who love games. Their support, both publicly and privately, is something that I greatly appreciate, and is one of the reasons that I love being in this industry.

If you have the time, please take a moment to check out their websites, and follow them if you like what you see/hear (if I have forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies.)


Undead Viking

Board Game Brawl

The Meeple Mechanic

NVS Gameplays

Watch It Played

Geek Dad

The Gaming Careers Podcast

All Us Geeks: The Game of Crowd Funding Podcast

Punched and Played Podcast

The Startup Gamers Podcast

Tabletop Gaming News

Purple Pawn


Ludo Noticias

El Club del Dado 

Blog Egdgames

Cubo Magazine

Calabozo Criollo

Kostki Zostaly Rzucone



Board Game Quest

Dice Tower News Podcast

Kicking the Table Podcast

Initiative Tabletop



Dice and Tiles


I look forward to having you join in the next chapter of Immortal, when the new Kickstarter project launches on Tuesday, September 22nd. Thank you very much for being part of the Immortal journey!

David Luis Sanhueza
Founder, Creative Director


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