I’m now a weekly

Gosh, I’m not blogging much these days, but when I do blog it’s about . . . blogging.  Well, I’m not sure why I am so obsessed with setting the record straight about my blogging patterns these days – perhaps I should go back to my therapist – but the bottom line is this: for the foreseeable future I’ll post to this blog once a week, on Mondays.  Hopefully it will be by Monday morning, but as in this case, it might not be until nearly Tuesday morning.  Either way, The Lutheran Zephyr has begrudgingly and out of necessity morphed into The Weekly Lutheran Zephyr.

Start your week off here.  I’ll try not to give you indigestion.

Published by Chris Duckworth

Spouse. Parent. Lutheran Pastor. Veteran. Jedi. Political Junkie. Baseball Fan.