Bright-er side: Facebook Marketplace

For all the trouble, sometimes it’s worth it

Photo of the Facebook App
PHOTO: Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash

By: Cynthia Piña, Peak Associate

Did I just complain about having to pick things up due to chronic illness? Yes, but that’s when I’m asking and paying for delivery. With Facebook Marketplace, I know what I’m getting into, and plan accordingly. I know I’ll have to go somewhere to pick it up. The conversation to arrange a pick-up time is often tedious, and sometimes people live in far-away locations. I may reshuffle my whole day to accommodate a marketplace purchase. However, the hunt can be very rewarding. I have found countless cheap, hidden gems for myself on Facebook Marketplace. 

I’ve found rare out-of-print manga for dirt cheap, pre-loved clothes, and miscellaneous goods that might otherwise be hard to find. These are all things I may not have been able to own. I have so many treasures from Facebook Marketplace, despite its (deserved) reputation of being a pain. With an eye on the prize and some patience, you could discover some great things. 

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