Learn with me in London, July 20-21

The work that I do – which, most straightforwardly put, is that of helping people to flourish and become skilful in taking action that matters – is one of my great joys. But an even greater joy is teaching other people how to do it themselves.

In early June I taught our two-day introduction to all of this, ‘Coaching to Excellence’, with an exquisite group of students who stepped in with quite some courage and sincerity. And Sophie Howarth, who was one of that group, wrote this piece to describe her experience. Please read it – I thought it was a beautiful introduction and invitation into what we’re doing.

“The practice of two people supporting each other
to become more human together”

There’s another chance to come and learn with me coming up next month, July 20-21 2015 in London. It’s open to everyone – whether you want to coach, help others develop, or are interested in your own development. It would be wonderful to have some of you join us.

Photo Credit: Hans Dekker via Compfight cc

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