After Dinner Mints: Rain Day

After Dinner Mints is a random collection of the Deep Thoughts that spill out of me on nights that I'm too busy to write a blog post before dinner...Necessity is the mother of invention, Modern Philosophers, and with that in mind, I’d like to introduce a new feature on the blog.

After Dinner Mints is a random collection Deep Thoughts that spill out of me on nights when I simply don’t have the time to sit down before dinner and write a regular blog post.

Blogging is very important to me, and I love writing a new post every day, but on some occasions, my schedule simply doesn’t allow me the time to brainstorm.

There are also times when my new positive outlook on life reminds me to prioritize people or events that should be more important to me than making sure I shoot a new post out into the never ending interwebs.

Other times, I’m going to be too busy juggling multiple writing projects, and reaching into the bowl for a handful of After Dinner Mints will be the best way for me to unleash my inner Modern Philosopher.

Are you with me on this?  Good…because I’m a little confused.

Today was a rainy day at The House on the Hill.  I love the rain, but it always seems to have a different effect on me.  Sometimes, the rain drains my brain and makes me just want to be lazy and never get out of bed.

Other times, the rain inspires me.  I’ll grab the lap top, sit out on the covered porch, and tap away at the keyboard while the rain keeps me company.

NYU Film School, former home of The Modern PhilosopherThat reminds me of the time that the rain inspired a screenplay.  Back at NYU, for my very first screenwriting classes, I was the only student to show up with a completed screenplay on the first day of class.

Of course, these were ancient times and I didn’t have a laptop or computer of any kind.  What I did have was an electric typewriter.  Those were the days.

Despite possessing that marvel of modern technology, I chose to write out my screenplays in longhand in a spiral five subject notebook.  Does it get any cooler than that?

I did this for both semesters.  Both times, I was the only one in the class with a finished screenplay on day one.  I’m sure I was also the only student in all of NYU Film who wrote his screenplays in a spiral notebook.

Nerd power!

The first screenplay was a romantic drama about a gang in a small town.  I’m sure it was horrible, but it was the best first screenplay I’ve ever written.

The second one, though, was a horror script.  I’d tapped into the horror vibe for a dream sequence in the first script, and I liked the rush it gave me.  As a result, I went full on scary time for my next screenplay.

Entitled “Rain of Blood”, it was inspired by a walk I took in the rain one afternoon to return a tape to the video store.  Yes, I’m so old that I used to rent VHS tapes to keep myself amused until Netflix was invented!

I was in Brooklyn, walking from my sister’s apartment in a torrential downpour.  I had on a big pair of construction boots, shorts and a tee shirt, but all you could see were the boots under the huge purple poncho that protected me from the elements.

As I walked the streets, the only moron outside in a storm that would’ve inspired Noah to build two arks, I got to thinking what I must’ve looked like to anyone looking out a window as I passed.

Here I was, this hulking 6’3″ figure in a purple poncho and size 15 boots, stomping through puddles and seemingly unaware that the rains intended to wipe all human life off the face of the Earth.

After Dinner Mints: Rain DayI had the basic idea for “Rain of Blood” by time I got back to my sister’s.  Probably busted out a new five subject notebook and got right to work on the screenplay.

Like I said, sometimes the rain inspires me, and sometimes it drains my brain.

On that particular day on the mean, wet streets of Brooklyn, God’s little water show really got my creative juices flowing.

I hope you enjoyed your After Dinner Mints.   Feel free to come back for more.

Tired of walking in the rain?  Stay dry and follow me on Pinterest!

About Austin

Native New Yorker who's fled to the quiet life in Maine. I write movies, root for the Yankees, and shovel lots of snow.
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7 Responses to After Dinner Mints: Rain Day

  1. The rain in Brooklyn was certainly an inspiration. What happened with the screenplay?

  2. The Cutter says:

    Can anyone escape the terror that is “Rain of Blood????”

  3. I have great admiration for fiction writers. I simply can’t do it. Flat characters, stilted dialogue, loose ends all over the place. Screenwriting is way past my limits!

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