Spotsylvania, VA. Many times, when street evangelizing, you can only ‘plant seeds.’ You must meet people where they are at. Who can tell what might happen? Through grace, the slightest interest could become an opening for growth and eventually, conversion. The team checks in: “It’s Labor Day and it’s Fall Festival time at Saint Patrick Catholic Church. Several blue grass and country music bands are here. We set up our table with two objectives in mind: To witness, reach out and provide information to anyone interested; and to generate parishioner interest in Saint Paul Street Evangelization. In the picture you can see Flo chatting with a few folks.”

“One individual studied the material on our table, and when asked what parish she belonged to; she said ‘nature.’ We offered the pamphlet ‘The Existence of God,’ and the offer was declined. The individual is a fan of Pope Francis, however, and noticed the million dollars bills and gladly accepted a few. Please pray for this person, as well as others that we may have encountered that might be questioning their Faith.”

Though we often help people come into a relationship with Christ, many times we can do very little, outwardly. But we are not here primarily to be successful, but to be faithful. Will you join us, and plant seeds with us?