Touching the void, ambitious

In touching the void page 53, you see joe expressing what he feels about ambition and that it is not always good.
When he said “I felt the usual ain’t I climax” that quote shows that he is ain’t as satisfied as he thought he was going to be.
When he says “what now, it was a vicious circle. If you succeed with one dream, you come back to square one and its not long before your conjuring up another, slightly harder, a bit more ambitious- a bit more dangerous.” He demonstrates how he keeps climbing them then when he does succeed in it he’s ego makes him climb a bigger one and he’s scared that he might do one to big.
The example of the quote for me is when I skateboarded down a ramp and there was a bigger one so I did that then after I kept feeling it was nothing until I did the bigger one.






One response to “Touching the void, ambitious”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    I think it’s an excellent idea for you to think of situations from your own life that echo those of Joe Simpson because it helps to understand what he went through and why he might have made the decisions he did – or it might also put the extreme experiences into a context for you.
