Gluten-free Vieques PR

Heading to Puerto Rico? Check out my GF run down in San Juan as well: Gluten-free San Juan

We were in Vieques for about a week, but we didn’t hit up that many restaurants. If I recall, we ate one meal at home and twice in another restaurant. I’ve learned now that once I find something good that’s gluten-free, it’s best to just go back for ease!

Tradewinds is not necessarily gluten-free, but it came up on some gluten-free blog searches while we were there and the reviews said that the restaurant was fairly accommodating. Also, the couple taking care of our flat raved about the place and said they go every week on Saturday at 7pm at the same table, so I figured it had to be pretty good. Either that, or this couple really likes their routine.
I ordered the lobster meal and wanted to sub out some side dishes, but the waitress convinced me to just give them to Kay, which was nice. It was a little cute, Kay had his first moment of guilt when they brought out some cornbread and he asked if it made me feel bad to see him eat it. I think I’d feel worse to see food wasted and I assured him he should eat it!
Overall I thought the meal was fine and I would recommend GF eaters to go here. They had some delicious flour-free chocolate cake that we devoured!
Bananas was just down the road from Tradewinds. (There are not very many restaurants on the island, if you couldn’t tell.) We went here one of our first nights because they had marked gluten-free dishes in their menu and I was happy that the food was also delicious.
I ordered a fantastic paella the first night and we came back a second night because we enjoyed the food so much.
We also read about Tin Box and Noche, some new restaurants, and went to Tin Box one night, but we were not that impressed. The food was mainly meat and fries, which they told me did GF, but overall the meal did not seem that tasty or healthy to warrant going back. The prices were also fairly expensive compared to Bananas.
At “home”, we picked up groceries and ate breakfast at the flat every day and we took snacks to enjoy at the beach midday. It was nice enjoying our first lengthy “beach holiday” together where the main activity of the day was swimming, reading and indulging in some soda and chips. (And fruit, because we feel guilty eating too much snacky food.)

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