GT-R Completely Wipes Out a Telephone Pole in Russia

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The Nissan GT-R is a scalpel in the realm of automobiles. It’s a hot knife through butter, a cleat in football or track. It’s not a car to be trifled with, and yet so many people do. They think because of all the techno wizardry, that the car will somehow save them if things go wrong. That’s where they are thoroughly mistaken.

You see, the GT-R enhances your abilities in a car tenfold. You never really understand that until you get into a proper racecar and have to manhandle it around a track. In a GT-R, you just go super fast and it’s fairly easy. It breeds a false sense of security, just as Russian football player Andrey Yeschenko found out when things when super wrong in his GT-R. Watch.

Thankfully, Andrey was uninjured somehow. But the GT-R, well, you saw what happened. Seriously, this car is a technical marvel, but the way it builds speeds can seriously lead to very bad incidents like this. Be careful out there.

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