Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Local author publishes Scientology story

Paul Csige
Paul Csige | Courtesy Photo
The The Symphony of Leif by local author Paul Y. Csige made its debut at bookstores throughout Hawaii this month.

Distributed in Hawaii by The Islander Group and on the mainland by Ingram Books, the novel is a coming of age story about a boy from the Big Island who is sent away to a Scientology boarding school on the mainland.

Desperate to escape his current school and his domineering father, Leif says “Aloha” to his island home. At first blush the Lamia School seems to be a dream come true, but soon Leif discovers darker and more sinister intentions than educating young minds.

Paul Csige, 28, was dubbed “a scarily talented young fellow from Kailua-Kona who seems able to do just about anything” in a review of The Symphony of Leif by Burl Burlingame in the Honolulu Star Advertiser. In addition to his recently released first novel, Csige has had a successful career as a composer, editor, and film maker.

In 2009 he collaborated with “Living Treasure of Hawaii” Herb Kawainui Kane to produce an hour long animated film, Voyagers: The First Hawaiians (Guiding Star Pictures, LLC 2009) an adaptation of Kane’s 1976 book Voyage: The Discovery of Hawaii (Island Heritage). Csige directed, edited and animated over 300 of Kane’s works of art for the film in addition to composing and recording the original musical score. “Voyagers: The First Hawaiians” aired on PBS in 2010 and is currently available in DVD.

Paul Csige was commissioned by The Kamuela Philharmonic to compose an original piece for the orchestra’s January 2008 performance at the Kahilu Theatre in Waimea. Again collaborating with Herb Kane, a multi-media recording of the concert earned the Aloha Accolade Award for Excellence by the Honolulu Int’l Film Festival.

Paul Csige is currently working on a second novel, a concerto, and a live action feature movie scheduled for filming in Hawaii in the summer of 2011.

The Symphony of Leif
The Symphony of Leif

Hawaii Star Wire

Press releases, media advisories, and other announcements submitted to the Hawaii Star.

12 thoughts on “Local author publishes Scientology story

  • Francis

    Thanks Paul for “The Symphony of Lief”! Spreading lies and contributing to religious intolerance in this country will definitely help you sell more copies.

    • imominous

      Well, when it comes to religions that indulge in human rights abuses and child labor, I guess you’re right. By exposing these abuses, the fraud, the destroyed families and lives, many ex-members are relating similar stories.

      I suppose you’ll continue to live in denial of these abuses until your abusive “church” is finally cleared from the planet.

    • Is that you Francis Hutton? Or are your comments telepathic gunk thoughts leaking out of the half amnesia tranced minds of your unhandled “body thetans”? Xenu sure did some damage, didn’t he? Thank goodness for Solo NOTs where high volume exorcism of all our “body thetans” is within every human beings’ easy reach!
      Chuck Beatty

  • Sir Thomas

    yes people are intolerant when it comest to Scientology with a history of documented abuses BY SCIENTOLOGIST’S that spans 5 decades.
    people generally are intolerant when a group hides behind a “cult-religion” that fosters abuse.

    How about Scientologist finally standing up taking responsibility and holding their leaders accountable?

  • Being a smart, talented and well rounded man, Csige would not have taken on the subject unless he felt passionate and determined about it. It’s hardly about intolerance from what I have read so far. There are many many stories on the internet by people who spent their childhood raised in a scientology household who also attended scientology based private schools. Visit to read them for yourself.

  • Cult Survivor

    Leif I appreciate you telling this story. I know it is based on your experiences and not a memoir, but there are enough real life examples of similar experiences all over the place.

    Children are victimized and neglected within the walls of the Church of Scientology. They are used as slave labor forces in the Sea Organization, kept from their parents, recruited as young teens and manipulated into breaking ties with anyone in their lives who takes issue with the abuses of Scientology.

    I agree with Sir Thomas. When will the leaders of Scientology for example David Miscavige, stand up and take responsibility for the abuses. The Scientology management group known as the Sea Organization creates an atmosphere of violence and indifference among the young. It’s no small wonder that a school exist which employs the same mind control techniques.

  • Mark A. Bian

    Good luck with your book Paul! It’s never easy publishing a book that is critical of the Scientology enterprise, otherwise known as the “Cult of Greed and Power” as Scientology was described on the cover of TIME magazine in 1991.

    You can safely ignore the complaints by Scientology’s PR machine that they call the Office of Special Affairs (OSA). OSA likes to make a lot of noise, but they have much fewer teeth than they did 10 years ago. Scientology’s buildings lie mostly cold and empty these days as the public is much more aware of the scam.

  • Skrewsci

    We have three nieces that have lived the life of disconnection from all family and friends that are not in the Sea Org. They left when they were very young, lived apart from their parents, raised in Dianetics day care facilities and now are approaching middle age…I doubt they have ever had any reportable income. They are part of Miscavige’s minions…need I say more?

  • I entered a very detailed response to this entry but for some reason the blog ate the whole thing. You might want to think about a new host that is more accountable.

  • I worked at the Church of Scientology of Hawaii for several years in the early 70’s. Everything else in life except a health issue has been a piece of cake. When times get tough I can close my eyes and tell myself, “Ah, I’m not working at The Church.” How hard is it to leave? You just say ‘No” and walk away. That being said, though I’ve not been in a CofS for 25 years I fully intend to participate again when the time is right. My youth spent at the Church wasn’t wasted, it was years of boot camp training for real life.

  • I went to this school,Delphi and also had a learning disability. As punishment, I was forced to do hard manual labor almost every day. Scientology needs to be stopped. This child abuse has gone on too long.

  • There is no dispute whether telepathic power is real. The question will always remain, does it do good or because of aristocrat policies guide people in too many directions. It is usefull for nothing more than futile disagreements. Some of the perception is done entirely about indivuals with blinders on. Merely propaganda delivered much the same ways as Naziism. dAMNED IF YOU DO OR DAMNED IF YOU DON’T.` These words come from a person with too many voices in my head calling themselves telepathic. Not necessarily for the benefit of anyone else.


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