The Birth of a Superhero – Preamble

I recently started a graduate program in Digital Media, where I will better sharpen and develop the technological skills necessary to best utilize my creativity and interest in…um, Digital Media. One of the classes I am taking this term is a Design class focusing on visual design using software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Each class begins with an activity called a “Jumpstart,” where the professor poses a creative challenge for us to complete. These jump starts are designed to stimulate our imagination, but also to play into his bigger plans for the semester, where we will ultimately be creating a superhero (perhaps for animation in a later course?).

I think the whole process and the steps the professor has us taking for this project are incredibly awesome, practical, and fun and I want to share it. And thus begins this series of blog posts, entitled “The Birth of a Superhero,” which will document the creative process as I bring Hydrator (formerly “Hydration Man”) to life. Stay tuned for part 1, where a Jumpstart asked me to declare my super power!

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