SWBTS “Mrs.” Degree, Pt. 10.

The final installation of our primer for Southwestern homemaker hopefuls is perhaps the most critical of tasks for the lady of distinction.  The sooner you get accustomed to having support staff attend to the menial responsibilities of household cleaning, the more you will be able to focus on other priorities of greater importance.  The following video will provide SWBTS’ future homemakers with basic tips for the hiring of maidstaff.  In addition to the principles enumerated in the video, we at Baptist Blogger would like to add two additional considerations for the hiring of maidstaff.

First, never hire any person who is the spouse, friend, or friend of spouse of a blogger.  Your maidstaff will have tremendous access to your personal belongings and files, and you must ensure your privacy from the incessant meddling of bloggers.  Some bloggers are especially adept at pulling service staff over to their side, and they will play upon the natural sense of class inferiority that your maidstaff will certainly possess.  You will need to watch very closely to make sure your private idiosyncracies do not become blogger fodder on account of a disgruntled maid.

Second,  make sure that your maidstaff understands the importance of leaving full rolls of toilet paper in each bathroom before the weekend.  A true homemaker cannot tolerate unthoughtful maidstaff who neglect this highest of priorities.  Exchanging rolls of toilet paper by yourself is neither ladylike nor appropriate for a woman of your distinction.  In the event they forget to change your toilet paper rolls, you must call them immediately to leave their families or other responsibilities and return to the house to change the rolls.  If you have to call them to perform this task, again, stress to them that they not tell any blogger about it.

(HT:Former Magnolia Hill Maid)

One thought on “SWBTS “Mrs.” Degree, Pt. 10.

  1. Enjoyed your whole series which was leaked via a travel through the Door Insider.

    Question: will the seminary be offering a course of study for concubines? I mean if we’re talking about biblical family set-ups how can we afford to skip the concubines?

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