China Briefing News

We cover the latest economy and trade, legal and tax updates, industry insights, and HR and payroll news that are most relevant to doing business in China. Here are our top China news summaries.

Shanghai Lingang New Area Releases Whitelists for Data Export, Facilitating Cross-Border Data Flows


Shanghai’s Lingang New Area has released general data lists that will facilitate data export for companies in the automotive, biopharma, and mutual fund sectors.

Tianjin Free Trade Zone Releases China’s First Negative List for Cross-Border Data Transfer


The Tianjin Free Trade Zone has released China’s first data Negative List outlining the types of data that must undergo a security review by China’s cybersecurity bureau to be transferred out of China.

China’s New Measures to Support Foreign Investment in Sci-tech Firms


China seeks to attract sci-tech foreign investment by relaxing rules, fostering partnerships, and enhancing the investment climate.

Shenzhen’s Qianhai Cooperation Zone Expands Preferential IIT and CIT Policies


The Shenzhen Municipal Tax Bureau, Shenzhen Municipal Finance Bureau, and State Tax Administration have issued two notices broadening tax incentives for individuals and companies in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone.

Managing Recruitment Risks in China: A Comprehensive Approach


Recruitment carries inherent risks. Non-compliance with labor laws, as well as violations of employment equality and personal information protection regulations during the recruitment process, can result in administrative penalties or other legal consequences. 

Investing in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province: Economy, Key Industries and Opportunities


Zhangjiagang, located in the south bank of the Yangtze River in East China’s Jiangsu province, is a key trade and investment hub and an important transport link to Suzhou and Shanghai. The city is enjoying a period of rapid development and economic growth and is seeking to attract more investment in strategic and emerging industries.

China’s Enhanced Beneficiary Owner Filing System: Key Points of New Measures


China’s new beneficiary owner filing measures require business entities, except individually owned businesses, to submit their beneficiary owner information starting November 1, 2024, with a one-year grace period available for entities registered before that date.

US-China Relations in the Biden Era: A Timeline


Timeline tracking key developments affecting US-China bilateral trade and business engagement under the Joe Biden administration.

Navigating China’s Evolving Approach to Human Genetic Resources: Insights on Regulatory Changes


China has transferred the management of human genetic resources to the National Health Commission, aiming to streamline regulations and foster biotech innovation by balancing oversight and reducing bureaucratic burdens. This shift is expected to enhance international collaboration, attract foreign investment, and expedite drug development in China.

China Monthly Tax Brief: May 2024


Highlights from this monthly China tax brief include the new beneficiary owner reporting rules to be effective from November 1, 2024, the expanded tax incentives in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone, and the advance tax ruling measures implemented in Beijing and Maoning City.

Tax Implications for Businesses Under China’s New Company Law


Under the New Company Law, companies and stakeholders face new tax implications. Ahead of its implementation, thorough understanding, staying informed, and consulting legal and tax experts are essential for proactive risk management.

China Releases New Draft Regulations on Generative AI


China is striving to regulate generative AI while promoting innovation and technological advancement. The NISSTC has issued draft regulations outlining security measures for generative AI service providers, underscoring China’s commitment to responsible AI development.

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