January 12, 2018

Today you should read: Luke 4:1-13

This is a passage most of us have heard many times. It describes our savior, Jesus, being tempted by Satan. We often refer to this passage on how to overcome temptation. We see how Satan tried to twist the Word of God just as he did in the Garden. He was not successful, because Jesus combated this temptation with the true Word of God that was written on His heart.

This is an amazing truth and a wonderful promise. But this passage also serves as a reminder that none of us are out of the reach of temptation. It is very easy for us to believe that we are okay… That we do not have to worry or that things around us are good. We look at our world at times and say that we have a good job, and we are in good health, and we are happy so we think that nothing will mess that up. Or we end up on the other end. Everything is falling apart, maybe the job is gone, or a tragedy has occurred. Maybe you got bad news from the doctor, and you just cannot see being happy, so you just don’t care about anything but getting by.

Regardless of the circumstance we as people become complacent in those moments. When we are at our best we stop seeking God and we stop relying on Him. Suddenly we find ourselves in a scenario that looks great but the reality is that we have fallen into sin. Satan has lured us away from the Father. If we are at our lowest point we might lose hope and start trying to fix things on our own. The result is the same. We will find ourselves moving away from God.

I do not know where you are at today. But temptation is not always as straight forward as we might think. Sometimes it is subtle and slow. The person of Jesus was not exempt from the temptations of Satan. This should make us want to stay on Guard! If you find yourself in a situation where you have gotten far from God, please retreat back to His word. Not in a way to say that you have checked a box off. Be reliant on Him and His truths. Be like Jesus and Satan will depart from you. If you are in a good place, having God there can make that place better and more joy filled, and you will find yourself not just getting ahead in life. You will start accomplishing the Fathers will. If you are at your lowest, God wants to walk through it with you and comfort you and give you Hope.

By: Dakota Gragg — Student Ministry Associate

Author: Center Point Church

A multi-campus church in central Kentucky. Our mission is to take everyone we meet one step closer to becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

5 thoughts on “January 12, 2018”

  1. I wonder if the phrase “sell your soul to the Devil” originated from this second temptation. If Jesus is the King of Kings, then why offer him kingdoms that he is already destined to rule? As a shortcut… Jesus time had not yet come, so what the devil was really offering was to give Jesus his kingship early – in exchange, of course, for his allegiance to the devil.

    This struck me as important today as we live in a society where everyone seems to be selling shortcuts. Some shortcuts are good and useful, but do we honestly stop to consider what we might be giving up in the process?

    1. Great thought John!
      As you wrote that, I was thinking of Psalm 2 without the cross. It would be the fulfillment of all OT judgement passages without the possibility of redemption beforehand—A cross-less victory for Christ (which he deserves and could have taken without Satan) is destruction for all of creation.

  2. Good word today Dakota & John. Every time I read this passage I’m struck with the fact that Jesus responded to Satan’s lies with the living Word of God. When we are tempted by the evil one we don’t have to come up with our own clever words or thoughts. God’s Word has given us a response to everything Satan can throw our way. James 1:5 reminds us to pray for wisdom!

    1. When faced with temptation I often tell myself to be strong in my faith and ignore it. I don’t even know what I mean by that exactly, but rereading this passage today reminded me also, Mike, of the responses provided to us in the Bible. Jesus didn’t ignore Satan; He combatted Him with scriptural truth and found strength in the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6). We must read, know, and memorize scripture to equip ourselves with the Word that “you may be able to withstand in the evil day” (Eph. 6:13).

  3. When I read this passage I am in awe of Jesus and His human-ness. That he not only knows my struggles, but can sympathize! To me, because of that fact, I can more easily have an intimate relationship with Him.

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