Buying, Selling, Want To Rent But Stuck? How To Read The Akashic Records Of A House

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

Buying, Selling, Want To Rent But Stuck? How To Read The Akashic Records Of A House

akashic records of a house
Home » Blog at Mom On A Spiritual Journey » Akashic Records » Buying, Selling, Want To Rent But Stuck? How To Read The Akashic Records Of A House

Do houses have energetic imprints that can be read – the Akashic Records of a house? It’s my belief that houses can be read. In order not to cause karma, you must have permission from the owner in some way. Read on to learn more.

The Akashic Records of a house – how can they be read?

Is it possible that houses have Akashic Records too?

Some of us may have experienced unusual energies in houses. Sometimes Earthbound Souls don’t leave when they transition and stay in a house that they inhabited.

Some buildings have energetic imprints from history that can cause weird atmospheres and disturbances.

One example I’ve experienced directly is the Eldridge Hotel in Lawrence, Kansas.

But do houses really have Akashic Records, as in their past history or ‘life’?

So far, I have found that’ it’s possible to read the energy of a house remotely – with the permission of the client who owns or rents it.

Better still, if you are buying, renting or trying to sell a home, as long as you have permission from the owner, you can read the energy of the house without creating karmic issues.

If a house is for sale or rent, then the Akashic Records of that house are considered ‘open’, so you are free to access its’ Akashic Records. You don’t need to ask the owner under these circumstances.

If you own the house or rent it, then you can also read its’ Records without causing karma, because you are the owner.

Reading the Akashic Records of a house you want to buy

We all know that buying or renting a house can be stressful. 

It’s important to be able to stay centered and focused and to do some reflection in order to understand what we really want when we’re looking for a house.

What are we looking for, and what is most important to us about a house we would like to live in?

If we are selling or renting out a house we own, how can we make it more desirable so that people will want to live there?

I have lived in the South of the UK, and in 4 US States

I have owned three different properties in the UK and rented two other properties there.

Living in the USA, I have rented two different properties as part of a family. 

I’ve also co-owned 3 different houses in the USA, and now own my current property (the 4th one) here in Kansas.

When I was married, my family ended up here after 2 different house purchases and sales in both California and Maryland.  

Houses can have problems

Floor plans? I’ve reviewed them.   School districts?   I’ve learned about those through experience, too.  

House problems?  Had a few, and not too few to mention.  We had fun with a cracked foundation slab in our CA home – and so did the ants!

Many of these moves and purchases were done whilst raising two small children.

I distinctly remember trying to close a sale on our house in Lemoore, CA with an agent sitting next to me.

The buyer was on the phone and my oldest daughter was trying to stick her finger in my other ear and talk to me.

My then-husband was out of state with work.  What’s stressful about that?

Slow to sell house in Maryland 2008

Our timing for selling the Maryland house couldn’t have been worse. 

We were trying to sell our house and move out of state just as the housing market began to crash in 2008.

Somehow I just knew we would sell our house if we could leave it. 

My then-husband had already moved out of state (to Kansas) for his new job. I had the task of keeping our house clean for sale with two small girls in tow.

We had a few viewers and even considered renting as the house prices continued to drop everywhere.

Finally, the children and I moved to Kansas and left the house empty.

Shortly before we left, a lunar moth attached itself to our front door for two days.  I definitely considered it a sign!

Maryland Psychic helps out with the Akashic Records of our house

A colleague in Maryland helped me with a reading on our house after we had moved out. 

She told me that a schoolteacher had seen the house and really liked it, but had not wanted to make an offer. This was because she had an outstanding rental agreement.

The psychic told me that the teacher’s name was Mary – she said I should contact the realtor and

“Ask for Mary”.

I asked the Agent if a woman named Mary had seen the house and she confirmed the fact. 

Yes, Mary wants the house

close up photo of a hands and a key
Photo by Thirdman on

This got me excited!  The lady’s name was Mary Braun, and she was a lecturer at St Mary’s College nearby.

The agent confirmed that Mary did indeed have an outstanding rental agreement. She remembered that Mary had loved our house. 

After some thought and internet research…we found a way to help Mary get out of her rental agreement and be able to buy our house.

Now it’s true we took a bit of a loss, but it was on the money we had made in the ‘boom’ in CA a few years previously. 

I remember saying at the time we sold in California – why did we make so much money so quickly – somebody has to pay for that.

It turns out that it was us, true for many people buying and selling in unstable housing markets.

So Mary bought our house and wrote us a letter to thank us for the beautiful energy the house contained.

She noticed the care and trouble we had taken to work with her in order to make the move.

Buying a house again in 2011

After this experience and move, plus the state of the housing market 2008-2012, we decided to stay put in our very pleasant rental house.

Lawn care came included too. So, after all of our moves and upheavals and my husband’s retirement from the US Navy, we just took it easy for a while. 

During that time, I undertook new studies and became qualified as an Akashic Records Reader.

How to read the Akashic Records of a House

The Records of the House need to be open, that is – the house needs to be for sale or rent. 

This means that the owner has given their permission for the house to be viewed.

So, Akashic Records Readers can view it too since this means permission has been given energetically.

Permission is important when reading the Akashic Records of a House

Reading a house without some form of permission from the owner is a bad idea. 

Who wants to be an energetic voyeur, after all? 

It’s also possible to create karma by being an energetic peeping tom, whether it’s the energy of a house or a person that is being read. Permission is everything with Akashic work.

If the house is on the market, then its Records are considered to be open.

It’s the same reading for people, you need the person’s permission, their full legal name, and their direct permission to read their Records.

On our house search in Kansas, we liked one house after the first visit and wanted to go back again, so I opened the Records in order to check it out.

The Foundation and Sump Pump had a problem

After the first visit, when I scanned the house energetically, I saw cracks in the foundation and a sump pump issue.

When we went back for the second viewing, the realtor apologized and said that the sump pump had broken the night before.

The sump pump issue had caused the furnace room to flood and there was water on the lower patio outside. There had been heavy rain the night before.

As I looked out of the window, I saw that one of the sidewalls from the lower patio had large cracks in it where water was seeping through into the ‘pit’ or lower patio.

These would not have been apparent unless the sump had failed and water was forced through the cracks, outlining their location.

We decided not to buy that house, not just for that reason, and I used the Akashic Records to read for the house we finally purchased.

Would you like help reading the Akashic Records of a House you want to rent, buy or sell?

Feel free to contact me.

I hope you enjoyed this post. You might also enjoy reading about: –

The famous Eldridge Hotel (haunted).

My top 5 Oracle Card decks to help expand your intuition.

Clairaudience and how to hear messages.

Sarah is an Intuitive Coach and Akashic Records Reader.  You can download the brochure listing all 12 Readings she offers, and contact her here at the Client Portal.


One Response

  1. […] Reading the Records of a house for sale, or another’s home, with their permission […]

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