Nov 112016

Hello and welcome back to Flashback Friday. Is this like Deja-Vu Tuesday? No! Flashback Friday is vastly superior, especially since Deja-Vu Tuesday isn’t a thing so far as I know. Click on pics to see a close-up!

Ram-Man was probably one of my least favorite Masters of the Universe characters, both in terms of the toy and his actual character, at least as depicted in the cartoon. First, the toy was big departure from the MotU action figure aesthetic. This was necessary for the toy’s ramming action feature, but it just reduced articulation so much. And Ram-Man was such a dim-wit in the cartoon. Not even in a charming, funny way either. There was really nothing I liked about him. Now, I can appreciate the style of his design, particularly the updated version.

Here’s Barnaby as Ram-Man. I particularly like the way the colours worked out in the helmet, just a ting of purple adds a nice effect.

ram-bearOriginally, I wanted to try drawing Barnaby in a full-charging pose.  I got so far as finishing a full sketch but didn’t like the way it turned out, so I started over and went for a battle-ready pose that could suggest that he was READY to charge as you see above. Below is the original sketch.


Here’s a comparison to the original. With the exception of the stick arms, the original Ram-Bear was my favorite of the set, particularly the shading. The new Ram-Bear isn’t my favorite of the remakes, but I do think it turned out solid.


That’s all for this week. Come back next Friday for another look back at Masters of the Universe. Have a great weekend!

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