Fighter for the Environment

Written by Jack Hassard

On December 15, 2019

Greta Thunberg is the embodiment of youth activism.  Thunberg’s youth activism is underscored by a reliance on “the science.”  She points the finger at government and corporate leaders, to stop and to listen to the science.  She is a fighter for the environment.

Time Magazine has named her Person of the Year.

This blog celebrates her for her enduring fight against human forces that have resisted her activism.  Many simply dismiss her as another young person who means well, but doesn’t know what she is talking about.  Others claim that she is simply a pawn in other people’s motives to disrupt society.

But here’s the deal.  She is the real deal.  Her passion is clear.  But her knowledge about climate change is clearer.  And she knows what leaders have to do to prevent a calamity of the climate threat.

I know she wants you to listen to the science.  But I’d like you to listen to her.


No One is too small to make a difference by Greta Thunberg

This is a book written by Greta Thunberg that I urge you find in your public library, or purchase on one of many websites.  Your can purchase the book by clicking below.

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