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Dear Literary Agent…

Just in case you stumble across this page, dear Literary Agent, and are looking for something different. I’ve written a sweet old fashioned romance, filled with humor, frustration, and life changing decisions. My book, New Parish, is a literary fiction, light romantic comedy, with an intriguing polygamous twist. New Parish is the first in a series of books I’m working on. Return to New Parish, is also finished, and Home to New Parish, is underway. This isn’t the dark side of things kind of story. This is the lighter side of plural marriage, where adults chose to live this way and are happy doing so.

In New Parish, the story follows Sarah from bad dates to total frustration as she explores her thoughts, fears, and feelings of contemplating plural marriage as an alternative to dating the losers she’s had to deal with. She asks the hard questions of her new friends, and even asks herself if she’s nuts or desperate for considering this option. All factors are explored, but the better side of living this unique social arrangement is truthfully told through the voice of its lovable characters.  The story reveals happiness, fulfillment, and safety in this lifestyle.

In Return to New Parish, Sarah is settled into her happily ever after life when her younger sister Hannah comes to town with some difficult problems. Her last boyfriend tried to take something from her that she’d been saving for her husband. With Sarah’s help and her eventual husband’s extreme patience she finds her happily ever after too. The stories are all woven with real life, humor, and human frailties that everyone can laugh at and cry over.

Review of New Parish by Jaclyn Knapp, M.S., ED.S Weber State University, Ogden, UT:

“I did two reads of the book. The first time in January and then I just read it again and made comments. Honestly, most of my comments were simply wanting more information. It sounds like a second book is in the works and that it covers more culture which will be fantastic.

Julie is a captivating author. After the first six chapters I spent more late nights reading than I should have. I found that I made comments in the first few chapters and then as I got caught up in the story I had less to say because I was just truly enjoying the story line. This story captured the magic of your community, it’s the kind of hometown we wish we all had, and the kind of community where we wish all of our children could be raised.

 I’ll be first in line to buy anything she publishes.”

I write from experiences and observations, dear Literary Agent, I always try to infuse realisms in my writing, that goes for both the setting and the characters. So, if you have an opening on your list of clients that you might be able to include me and my work that would be greatly appreciated. You’ll find me a hard working, easy to get along with person, who is willing to listen and learn.

Thanks for your consideration,
