W0S at the Scouting 500


Ron Wood, K0BRO, reported on the recent Radio Scouting event at the Kansas City Speedway — The Scouting 500.

We operated on a Friday late afternoon/evening and all day on Saturday.  Using the WØS special event call that I arranged through ARRL, we filled about four ARRL paper logbook sheets (no N1MM for this event!).  The exciting part was that we had many young (Cub) Scouts on the microphone with their parents taking pictures.  Friday night was a good opening into Europe on 20 meters.  We used an old Cushcraft A-3 band yagi on a 25 foot mast that I put together for this event and it worked very nicely.  Saturday was mostly USA with many stations wanting to help with Scout QSOs.

Ron also provided us some great photos. Note that one of the rigs in use was a Loan Station from Icom America. He also took advantage of the 1×1 call signs that are available for special events. Check these out for your special events including Jamboree on the Air.

Thanks to Ron and his team for putting on this special Radio Scouting event. Thanks, too, to everyone who worked them!

Scouting 500 (2)

Scouting 500 (1)